[04. Saying Goodbye (to Someone You Love)]

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For some reason, Rosemary's stomach felt like it was going to fall out of her body. Her heart was beating so hard she could hear it in her ears and it felt like a dozen tiny needles were poking the back of her neck, but she had no idea why her body was acting so strange.

The girl in front of her turned around and gave her a sad smile. Kline was squeezing her hand so hard she was sure her skin was bright red from lack of blood circulation. Aggy, one of the girls in her class who often made fun of her, grimaced in sympathy three faces down from Kline.

What was going on? Why were there so many people staring at her?

"Rosemary Mellark, are you there?" Effie Trinket's high-pitched voice came through the speakers. "Rosemary?"

Nausea hit her like a ton of bricks when her heard her name called. She pressed her lips together, hoping that she wouldn't vomit in front of her district and the cameras rolling for the whole country, and looked at Kline.

"Me?" her voice was barely audible.

Kline's dark brown eyes watered and she nodded, unable to say a word because she was too choked up with emotion.


Feeling numb, she let go of Kline's hand and slowly made her way through the row, into the middle aisle where two Peacekeepers were waiting for her. She mumbled quiet apologies as she stepped on toes trying to get out, but no one said anything, whether it was because they pitied her, or were slightly relieved that it wasn't them.

Rosemary made it to the aisle and immediately looked for Peeta and Rye. Rye was in the same spot, blue eyes wide and horrified. And Peeta, he was calling her name, trying to get through his peers to get to her. She hadn't known she was about to cry, but when she saw Peeta's desperation, tears spilled over.

'I'm sorry.' she mouthed toward him, allowing one of the Peacekeepers to take ahold of her arm and guide her up to the stage. Before she looked away, she was glad to see Sage go to his youngest son and keep him in line so he wouldn't get in trouble.

"Ah, there she is!" Effie beamed at her from up on stage.

Rosemary found Rye again and he was crying too. She had never seen her older brother cry before.

The Peacemaker that had helped her from the aisle also helped her up the small set of stairs leading up to the stage. Her legs shook. Effie gestured for her but Rosemary was in no hurry to approach her. Unfortunately, she didn't have a choice; she stood on Effie's left, next to the large glass bowl that her name had been pulled out of.

"Splendid," Effie clasped her hands together and smiled at the crowd. "Are there any volunteers for Rosemary?"

There would be no volunteers from District 12, and there hadn't been since the beginning of the Hunger Games. Rosemary did not blame anyone; she wouldn't volunteer for anyone but her siblings and since she couldn't because of gender restrictions, she was never about to raise her hand. She just stared out at the crowd as no one moved or made a sound, trying to find her father's face in the crowd. She was unsuccessful, as she had forgotten that Sage had gone to Peeta.

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