[03. Metaphors are Hard]

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"Hit it! Yep, right there," Kline yelled at Delly, watching intently as her sister gripped one of the pikes–made out of old parchment rolls–and swung toward Peeta. Peeta dodged out of the way, almost losing his balance had Rye not been there with a steadying hand, and Delly quickly pivoted back again.

"Up, Peeta!" Rye shouted and Peeta followed his direction, moving his pike upward and blocking Delly's blow. "Nice, nice!"

For a second, while Peeta had switched onto the offense, Rye's gaze fell on Kline, admiring the way she grinned and cheered her sister on.

He didn't know when it happened, but Kline snuck up on him. One moment, they were just two friends hanging out on the roof of her parents' shop and the next thing he knew, she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen because the stars were shining in her eyes and she was looking at him with the softest and prettiest smile he had ever seen. And before he knew it, he was leaning forward, capturing her lips with his. He had kissed many girls and even a few boys, but this was the best kiss he'd had. Her lips were soft and she smelt good, like clean soap and the oil that he knew she used in her hair, and everything just felt right.

They weren't dating but there wasn't any reason in particular as to why that was. Kline defined their current relationship status as "more-than-friends" and that they would see where this thing between them went. Rye was happy with that. He respected her wants and honestly, he wanted to take this slow, too. They were friends for their whole lives, so it could be an adjustment to transition from friends to significant others.

Kline raised an eyebrow at his admiration and he just smirked at her and winked, happy to see the warm smile that parted her lips. Rye turned his attention back to Peeta and Delly and was pleased to see that they were pretty evenly matched. Delly was quicker on the draw than Peeta, but Peeta was stronger with his strikes.

Rye glanced at his watch. They had five more minutes before they had to meet Rose on the roof.

"Alright, let me and Kline give it a go," Rye clapped.

Peeta and Delly grumbled but passed on their pikes. Rye situated his hands on the makeshift weapon and adjusted his stance, watching as Kline did the same.

"Ready...Set...Go!" Peeta cheered.

Rye swung the pike immediately. Kline jumped to block the blow and pushed down and about, raising her own weapon to get back at him. Rye stepped back quickly and ducked and shot forward, hitting Kline in the shin.

"Gotcha," Rye smirked at her.

"Bite me, Rye."

"Is that an offer, sweetheart?"

Kline laughed and swung her pike; Rye quickly blocked her hit but she pivoted easily, going low. He tried jumping and if he had gone an inch higher or started a second earlier, he wouldn't have gotten hit. Almost falling, Rye righted himself and nodded.

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