[21. In the Stars]

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Evening 16

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Evening 16


"Do we have any rubbing alcohol left?"

At Xavier's question, Rye rummaged through their bag full of first aid supplies. There wasn't much left, just a few bandages, two vials that contained unknown contents, and the medicine that Haymitch sent Rosemary.

"No," Rye answered him once he was done searching through the pack. "There's the cream that Haymitch sent Rose. Would that help?"

Xavier looked up from where he was working on cleaning Rosemary's hand–with water from the river that they carried her to in order to get her away from the bodies–and clicked his tongue thoughtfully. "I think that should work to keep infection away. Toss it."

Rye tossed the small tub of cream to Xavier, grabbed some of the fabric bandages from the pack, and went back to his spot on Rosemary's other side. "We can wrap her hand with this."

Xavier didn't reply aloud. He nodded and reached out for the roll of bandages, gripping the end of it with bloody fingers. Rye blinked rapidly at the crimson color and watched as Xavier gently held up Rosemary's injured hand and started winding the bandage around it. The blood stained the brown fabric of the bandage but by the second wrap around, it didn't seep through.

"The bleeding is starting to stop."

Rye gulped noisily and stared down at Rosemary. Her eyes were open, the fading glare of the sun making her brown irises look hazel, and errant tears slowly slid the side of her eyes. Rye wiped them off before they could drip down her neck and into the snow. Rosemary didn't even flinch when he touched her but when he looked back to her face, she was staring at him.

"Rose, can you hear me?" She blinked at him, eyes so tired and sad. "You're gonna be okay, Rosie."

Rosemary's eyes slid shut, another tear slipping out from under her lid.

"I used the last of the medicine Haymitch sent her," Xavier told him, exhaling heavily as he finished wrapping up her hand. "It's not going to last long, neither is the bandage."

Rye's eyes flashed to Xavier, watching as he stood up and grabbed his ax. "What are you doing?"

"I'm leaving," Xavier told him, resting the ax on his shoulder. "There's five of us left and I don't want to kill either of you."

"I don't want to kill you either," Rye brushed back some hair from Rosemary's face, as if silently reassuring her that he was still there, and stood up. He clasped his hands on his hips and cleared his throat. "I appreciate everything you've done for me and Rose, Xavier. Thank you."

The corners of Xavier's lips quivered ever so slightly; his version of a smile. "It was a good alliance..." he paused thoughtfully. "Kyler was a good guy. More than I expected for a Career."

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