[06. Embers of Coal]

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A few hours later, Rosemary was exhausted, but made up and ready for the Tribute Parade. The costume that Vina had designed for her was jaw dropping and she knew that putting her trust in him was the right choice.

The outfit was a two piece. The bottom skirt was covered in shiny black fabric that was very structured and ended at mid-thigh. It swayed a little bit as she walked, but still held firm like Vina wanted. Her top was made of the same material, but it was much tighter, conforming to the curves of her body and the sleeves covered her whole arms, looping around her thumbs. The showstopper part of the costume was the cape that flowed down to the back of her calves, which were covered by high-heeled combat boots. The fabric making up the cape was covered in the softest sequins and had accents of jewels, colors ranging from dark yellow, light orange, burgundy, a dark purple, blue, and gray. It looked like a fire had come to life on the cape and when she walked by the mirror at Vina's request, it looked like fire had attached itself to her.

Cinna didn't do an extravagant makeup look, for which she was thankful. The corner of her eyes were covered in smokey eyeshadow which was blended into a shiny metallic bronze that reached the middle of her eyelids. She wore bronze eyeliner and contour that made her face look like it was sculpted by the Capitol's finest artist. Windy had done her hair into a tight ponytail that hung in waves and wrapped around a bronze metal band that circled her head like a halo. A matching band encircled her neck, almost a little too tightly.

All in all, Rosemary was confident that it was the best outfit to ever come out of District 12 for the Tribute Parade and Opening Ceremony. She felt truly beautiful and confident, and it came down to Vina, Cinna, and Rye's stylist, Larkin.

Once Vina was satisfied with Rosemary's look, he guided her to the bottom floor of the Remake Center, where the horses for the chariots were stored in their stables. There were a lot of Tributes already out and ready to take their places on their chariots and they were intimidating.

Rosemary gulped and looked toward the end of the queue of horses, sighing in relief when she spotted her brother. Rye was dressed almost identically to her, but instead of the skirt, he wore tight pants and his shirt sleeves were cut off at the shoulder to show off his muscles. He also had bronze bands on his forearms and one on his head like Rosemary. Even he had his makeup done, and Rosemary had to say that he really rocked eyeliner.

"You look amazing," Rye said to her as she and Vina approached him. "You look like a little spark in a pile of shiny coals."

Vina smirked. "That was kind of the idea."

"You look great, too, Rye," Rosemary stood on her tiptoes to get a better look at his makeup. "That eyeliner really brings out the blue of your eyes."

"I know right? I kinda dig it."

Larkin, Rye's stylist, joined them then. She was a short woman, at least three inches shorter than Rosemary, and had platinum white hair that was put up into an intricate updo. Her dress had all sorts of weird angles on it and her shoes were almost as tall as she was, but she was a very beautiful woman. She gushed over Rye and then Rosemary, sharing her glee with Vina, who had a smug look on his face.

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