Ch. 4: A Little Snack

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Once Camila and Willow came back with the tea and food, Luz graciously ate them as she didn't know he hungry she was since last night.

Like REALLY hungry as the group watched on in shock, she practically devoured that food. It was like watching a starving animal!

The same could be said for her black tea as she drank it all in one gulp, forgetting that it must've been scolding hot!

"Oh, that was good but... I'm still hungry." Luz said, standing up and moving to the fridge in the kitchen.

They all watched as Luz began to eat more and more, not even bothered that the food was cold or slightly runny in the fridge.

"This... must be a side effect of the Titan's Blood she drank." Amity said with wide eyes.

That did seem to be the most logical answer since Luz wasn't like this before last night. At ALL!

"Yeah but do you think we should stop her before she eats something bad?" Hunter asked, wincing at the somewhat savage eating.

"Like what? All of the food is within date." Camila said.

"Are the bones?" Gus asked, pointing to Luz as she was eating a drumstick WHOLE!

Skin, meat, bones, marrow, and all! It was like looking at a living garbage disposal and Luz wasn't yet as she wiped her mouth and grabbed a gallon of milk!

"Uh, Luz, wait! you're lactose in-" Vee stopped talking as she dropped her jaw again.

Everyone did as they saw Luz drinking the milk straight from the cartoon, not stopping until she finished the entire thing in one breath!

"Aaaaah." Luz sighed in relief, wiping her lips. "Man, I haven't been that hungry in a long time."

She looked back towards her friends and family watching her, finding them all looking shocked and with hanging jaws.

"What? I was hungry." Luz said, closing the fridge.

"You...nearly ate...the entire fridge." Vee said slowly.

"And you still have an amazing figure." Amity said, as everyone looked at her. "Did I say that out loud?"

"Yes, you did but more importantly, Mija you just drank an ENTIRE gallon of milk! Did you forget you're lactose intolerant?" Camila asked, walking to Luz and taking the empty milk jug from her hand. "You know what it does to you!"

"I know but I just... don't feel wrong though, I feel pretty good actually." Luz said, patting her stomach.

"Maybe the Titan's Blood got rid of that?" Gus suggested, scratching his head. "I mean, there's never been a documented case of someone drinking Titan's Blood before, so we don't know exactly what will happen to Luz."

"Well we can put "monstrous appetite," "steel jaw," and "iron stomach" on a list. She just ate a whole chicken AND the bones." Hunter reminded everyone.

"What? I ate BONES?! Why didn't you guys stop me?!" Luz shouted in shock.

"Because you looked hungry enough to eat US if you tried." Willow said.

Luz tried to argue with that before putting in a bit of thought. If the Titan's Blood effected her like this, what else would change about her? Would she actually develop a state of cannibalism and eat if she got too hungry?!

"Well, in that case, Willow do you think you can make giant fruits or something? Because THIS-" Vee said, gesturing to Luz and what was ever left in the fridge. "-is going to be very expensive and hard to feed if not."

"I agree." Camila said, already imagining the grocery list she would have to make once A DAY!

"I'll see what I can do." Willow said with a nod.

Letting out a small belch, Luz covered her mouth with a small chuckle at her bodily reaction.

"Excuse me." She said, blushing a tiny bit.

"What a woman." Amity said out loud with wide eyes.

"Titan, you're gay." Willow said, shaking her head.

"Shut up." Amity quickly said as everyone had a small laugh.

"Anyway, I think we need to observe Luz over the next few days and see what else happens to her." Hunter said, "See if something happens that requires us to step in and help her. Don't forget, Belos is still out there and he most likely wants revenge for what Luz did."

Everyone agreed to it, Luz especially since she was the most worried and curious about herself. First the door upstairs and now this? What else crazy was going to happen with her body?!

'Hopefully nothing bad.' Luz thought.

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