Ch. 14: Looking Sharp

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The next morning, Luz yawned as she woke up to her alarm and shut it off but nearly crushed it from her new strength. Though she didn't notice as she got up and walked to the bathroom.

She walked over to the mirror and began brushing her teeth, before noticing that she had four sharp canine teeth. Luz spat toothpaste at the mirror before wiping it clean and gazing at her mouth, opening it to see just how developed her new canines were!

"On no! This is not good" Luz said before holding her chin and smiling, a tinkle coming from her canine. "But on the upside, I do look FIERCE! Ruff ruff!"

Her eyes, she can explain as contacts. And she doesn't need to be seen eating, plus Luz can hide her muscles to an extent, but how can she hide these!? One of them even pokes out when she closes her mouth!

"Anybody inside?" Vee asked, knocking on the bathroom door.

"Just me, sis! I'm brushing my teeth!" Luz said, putting her toothbrush away. "And I got another change."

Vee opened the door and saw the sharp canine teeth that Luz has.

"So, I guess Titan's are mainly carnivores, because I've never seen a goat with teeth like this." Luz said.

"Okay, ignoring the size of those things in your mouth, but how do you know King is a goat?" Vee asked, starring at Luz's teeth.

"I don't, but they were the first herbivorous animal that came to my mind." Luz said before gesturing to her mouth. "Anyway, back to the problem at hand, I have fucking fangs!"

" kind of look like a vampire with those fangs." Vee said, looking closer to at Luz's mouth.

'She looks like she could tear a steak apart like a wolf.' Vee thought.

"Two fangs on top, two on the bottom, I could literally bite someone's hand off.!" Luz said, imagining it before holding her hair! "What am I going to do!? I can hide the others things about me but I can't hide these! One literally sticks out of my mouth when it's closed!"

"I don't know,m but we can figure it out." Vee said before quickly saying. "Except impersonating you again. I don't hate it but I'm finally starting to accept myself and my own identity."

"Vee, the bus arrives in 30 minutes." Luz said, tapping her wrist like she has a watch. "I don't have time to think of something!"

"Vee? Luz? What's going on up there?" Camila asked from downstairs.

"Titan's Blood, mom!" Luz shouted back.

"What is it now?!" Camila asked loudly!

"You don't wanna know!" Vee shouted back.

"I know but please, just tell me!" Camila shouted.

Luz and Vee looked toward each other, silently agreeing that just telling her now was better than something bad happening because they didn't.

"Luz has sharp canine teeth, like a werewolf! One even sticks out of her mouth when she closes it!" Vee shouted.

"QUE?!" Camila asked before rushing up the steps.

'Oh boy.' Luz thought as Camila practically barged in and made Luz open her mouth!

"DIOS MIO!" She shouted as everyone else rushed to the bathroom too. "This isn't good. We need to hide those somehow."

"Well, unless they can retract, then we can't." Luz said, pulling away from her mother.

"Or maybe get some pliers and pull them out?" Vee suggested, joking.

"NOT FUNNY, VEE!" Luz shouted at the joke.

"Okay, let's calm down! You getting angry won't help." Camila said, putting a hand in both of her daughters' shoulders.

"Getting angry at what?" Gus asked as the witches looked into the bathroom.

"Luz's new teeth, we can't hide them for school." Vee said as Camila showed them.

This surprised few witches at seeing Luz's new teeth, seeing her mouth was now that of a beast because of the sharp canines. Quickly getting I see his shock, the illusionist of the group made his thoughts known.

"Uh, I may be able to make a concealment stone real quick." Gus said, grabbing his chin. "It could last for a few hours, not permanently like if a professional makes one, but it might be able to make a quick fix."

"What do you need for that?" Luz asked.

"Some kind of small stone, like a necklace or something." Gus said.

"Perfect." Luz said, heading to her room to find something.

"Wait, use this." Amity said, taking off her crescent moon necklace.

"What? But Amity, that's your favorite necklace." Luz said in surprise.

"Then who better to give it to than my favorite girl?" Amity replied with a smile.

Luz smiled back as Amity handed her necklace to Gus and he looked it over, tapping it a bit before nodding.

"This will do nicely. I should be able to make it a good enough concealment stone, just give me a few minutes." Gus said with a smile.

"Well, you better hurry, the bus shows up in 15 minutes." Luz said, still not knowing the exact time since she didn't have a watch.

"That means you better get ready fast." Camila said, heading back downstairs to make breakfast.

"15 minutes should be more than enough to get this ready." Gus said, walking downstairs with the necklace.

As everyone left, Luz went back into the bathroom getting ready for school. Meanwhile with the rest, besides Camila, they would possibly spent all day at the cabin to think of plans to get back to the demon realm via a new portal.

It would be significantly easier as they now had a Human Titan to help.

Once Luz had gotten dressed for school and quickly eaten breakfast, she walked to the front door as Gus came over with the crescent moon necklace.

"Allow me to introduce your first glamour charm. It's not perfect but it should get you through school without anyone noticing your fangs." Gus said as Luz took it from it.

"Thanks, Gus. I don't now what I would do without you." Luz said, putting the necklace on.

"I think it goes without saying that without you, everything would've been far worse." Gus said, smiling at her. "You've done a lot for the Isles, and us, Luz."

"Don't think too much about it, Gus. You guys and the Isles did just as much for me as I did for you." Luz said, smiling as she somehow felt her feel appearance become normal again. "You all gave me a place to belong, to feel accepted even if I wasn't a witch like you guys. I should be thanking you guys more than you should thank me."

"Well I think-" Gus was suddenly cut off.

"Hey, as nice as this is." Hunter said, leaning against the door frame, glancing to the side. "Luz, the transport worm is here."

Luz turned around to see the bus coming down the street, cursing under her breath.

"Thanks, Hunter." Luz said before screaming into the house. "Bye mom, bye guys, bye Batata! I'll see you after school!"

Before leaving, Luz looked into the glass in the front door and saw her teeth were back to normal and her eyes were even their original hazel color again.

'Gus, you are a genius.' Luz thought before walking to the bus.

Luz got on the bus and sat down, unaware that she was being watched by a 400 year old gooey colonizer.

'I must wait for the perfect moment.' Belos thought.

He followed her to the school, all the way, she was none the wiser.

When Luz arrived at school, she walked off the bus with a peep in her step while whistling a small tune. She was never really a fan of November, but after having the craziest weekend of her life, she was fine with a bit of normalcy.

Even though today may end in a very PARANORMAL way.

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