Ch. 19: Stressful Rest

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"Mija! Can you hear me?!" Camila asked, shaking Luz to try and wake her up.

Luz didn't answer, all that happened was a bit of Titan's Blood running down her mouth. This made Camila worried as she put her way to Luz's chest, listening for her heartbeat.

'It's slow, almost too slow but still beating.' Camila thought, relieved yet still worried.

"Mija, please, if there is a healing glyph or anything, give me a message." Camila said, trying to shake Luz away to answer.

Luz didn't move and Camila listened to her heart again, it was getting slower. Camila put her hands on Luz's chest and began chest compressions, trying to keep Luz's heart from stopping. She put her mouth on Luz's and began using mouth the mouth. She stopped, wiping a bit of Luz's blood from her lips, and she leaned back to Luz's chest and listened to her heart, it was still dropping.

"Uh, maybe there's something here that can help!" Camila said.

Camila began looking around the cave, finding it actually to be a makeshift lab, for anything at all that could help her heal Luz. Slim as it might be, she still had to try.

'Come on, come on!' Camil thought before noticing some sort of notebook on a small table next to the portal.

She quickly grabbed it and went through it, seeing multiple glyph combos.

"Uh, one of these has to work." Camila said, still unsure.

She looked through the book as fast as she could while also being thorough, remembering everything Luz told her about the glyphs while reading everything Belos/Philip has about them.

'Maybe one of these could help!' Camila thought, coming along an unused/unfinished combination of two glyphs. 'Light and plant, light and plant both symbolizing life.'

She looked at it and then back at Luz's fading body.

"I have no choice, I need to use this on her." Camila told herself, drawing the glyph.

First Camila drew a perfect circle, having gotten lots of practice thanks to Luz's surprisingly good teaching. She first drew the light glyph before drawing the plant glyph next to it. Finally, Camila drew two arches to connect the glyphs together in a combination.

 Finally, Camila drew two arches to connect the glyphs together in a combination

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(Glyph combo created by Moringmark)

'If these notes are correct and my intuition doesn't let me down, this should help!' Camila thought.

She didn't waste time and put the glyph on Luz. She tapped it and Luz was covered in a blue glow. Camila watched with bated breath until Luz opened her eyes.

"HUUUUUUUUUUUU!" Luz breathed deeply, her lungs refilling at high speed before she exhaled deeply! "W-What happened?!"

"Mija!" Camila said, crying tears of joy as the glyph combo worked!

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