Ch. 13: Thinking of the Future

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"Okay, I think that's enough for now." Luz said, checking off all the glyphs she knew. "Even the mist glyph combo is way more powerful with me."

"What about these two?" Amity asked, pointing to two more glyph combinations. "What are they?"

"Petrification and monster summoning, do NOT touch them." Luz said, closing her notebook. "Trust me, they ain't pretty."

"Then why do you have them in your notebook?" Vee asked.

"I'd prefer it if I never have to use them but it's better to have them and not need them than need them and not have them." Luz said, shaking her head. "Now, why don't we relax and try to figure out how to make a portal?"

"Already?" Hunter asked her. "We just got finished testing the glyphs. Maybe you need a break before we decide to take your blood."

"Agreed." Camila quickly said, mainly to not let her daughter purposefully bleed herself dry.

"Why not? I heal fast." Luz said, shrugging. "We have to use my blood to make a portal anyway."

"But you could pass out from blood loss." Camila said to her.

"I could just drink sugar to help." Luz quickly said, shrugging.

"That doesn't fully help!" Camila quickly argued.

"I'll be fine." Luz said, before holding her hand up. "Now someone get me a knife, let's see if my finger can regenerate."

And that was when Amity grabbed Luz by the back of her shirt and pulled her back to the house.

"Nonononononono. We are done for the day." Amity said to Luz.

"What? I'm curious." Luz said.

"You are not purposely dismembering yourself!" Amity shouted at her.

"Agreed!" Camila said as she quickly followed after Luz and Amity. "Enhanced regeneration or not, you are not losing a limb!"

"Yeah, what would Eda say?" Willow said, following them with Hunter, Gus, and Vee.

"She'd probably tell me to walk it off while trying not to cry in fear." Luz said.

"Like a mother would." Gus added.

"Yeah..." Luz said, smiling a tiny bit at the mention of her other mother.

'I know you're alright Eda, you're a fighter.' Luz thought. 'You can beat anyone with one arm tied behind your back.'

Eventually, the gang reached the back of the house.

"Okay, so anything else for today?" Luz asked.

"Well, we'll need to make a cover story for school tomorrow to explain your new strength." Vee suggested.

"And the eyes, and the bottomless pit of a stomach." Amity said while counting with her fingers.

"Maybe I can just pass it off as contacts and carbo loading." Luz said, feeling hungry already. "Speaking of carbo loading, I could use some BIG fruit. Willow?"

"I'm on it." Willow said, drawing a spell circle and quickly growing a giant orange from the ground.

"Basketball sized orange, alright!" Luz said, taking the orange and ripping off some of the peal. "You know this could actually pass for a basketball if it had the black lines."

"Yeah and its wedges could count as footballs." Gus joked but he was serious.

The wedge Luz pulled from the orange was the size of a football as she began eating. Despite it's size, it would be a nice snack.

"And while you eat that, we will be having some left over pizza." Vee said as she opened the door and walked into house.

"Speaking of pizza, hey Amity. Have you learned to make food bigger yet?" Luz asked her girlfriend.

"Still working in it but it's more difficult to learn without some sort of spell book to help." Amity said.

"Makes you wonder how Eda made it look so easy to learn magic in her own after dropping out of Hexside." Hunter said.

"Because she's the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles, nothing is to hard for her!" Luz said with pride.

"Lilith was the same." Amity said.

"Even if she was too uptight?" Willow teased.

"Yes, even if she was too uptight. Lilith was still just as powerful as Eda." Amity said, still respecting her old teacher.

"Even when she lost at the Covention?" Gus asked.

"... No comment." Amity said.

'Even though Eda won via a snack attack.' Luz thought with a small chuckle.

They went inside and Luz grabbed a gallon of water from the fridge, a nice drink to go with her basketball sized orange.

"You gonna share that or are you going to hog it all?" Hunter asked, half-joking.

"Maybe but I guess I could share if you guys want some." Luz said, shaking the water jug a bit.

"Nah, you probably need it more." Amity said, waving her hand. "I mean, I don't want to get between you and food."

"Yeah, who knew Titan's had to eat so much." Gus said.

"That does explain why King enjoyed eating a lot." Luz said, sitting on the couch next to Willow. "I still can't believe it, I'm half Titan! Could you imagine me as some giant beast walking in the Boiling Sea!?"

"You're only half Titan, so I doubt you'll get THAT tall." Willow said, waving her hand. "You'll probably get about ten feet at max."

"But could you imagine me at that size, I mean, what would I do then? Do they even make clothes for someone like that!?" Luz questioned, imagining herself as a Titan-sized woman with no clothing.

Amity imagined it as well, and that thought made her turn red. AGAIN!

"Oh no, Gus get the bucket, Amity's melting again!" Willow said, seeing Amity unconsciously becoming abomination muck again.

Gus scrambled to get the bucket, while Luz just laughed. Still, she couldn't help but wonder... what's going to happen at school tomorrow? People will eventually notice the differences between her on Friday and tomorrow... she can't keep it hidden forever.

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