Ch. 16: Overwhelming Danger

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All through class, Luz couldn't help but have a feeling something was wrong. That some great danger was close by yet she was nearly blind to it, like being deaf and someone is screaming loudly right into her ear'

'My Titan sense is going off.' Luz thought.

She began looking around for the source of this unease, gazing at everything and everyone in the room as the teacher wrote on the chalkboard.

In front of her was "Tracey," who had a wicked smile on "her" face was silently chuckling as a green slime slowly climbed up her face.

'Well, I'd say it's time for some fun.' Belos thought as the green covered her left eye.

Tracey's arm became covered in the green, and that was when Luz noticed it. She gasped and barely had time to react as "Tracey" swung at her! Luz pushed herself back and used her arms to flip herself back and get on her feet.

"Always so quick on your feet." "Tracey" said as "she" gazed around to Luz.

"Belos." Luz said as she glared and growled.

The evil man chuckle as he stood up, turning to Luz and revealing Tracey as she was possessed by Belos as horns popped out of her head. Everyone in the class began screaming in shock and jumping out of their seats to move away from the duo.

"What are you doing here!?" Luz said.

"I'm here for you... or more specifically... your blood." Belos swiped at her again, only for Luz to dodge again. "I must say, you're a truly impressive creature. Becoming a Titan, a far cry from the little human that wanted to be a witch.'re a few thousand feet away from really looking like one of your kind."

"Like you have room to talk!" Luz shouted, kicking a desk at Belos!

Belos dodged and the desk hits the chalkboard, smashing to pieces! The class is stunned at the not only the scene going on, but Luz, the girl that has never shown much strength before, just kicking a 30 pound desk like it was a pebble!

Luz didn't stop as she picked up a chair and ripped the bottom seat off before throwing it at Belos as he ducked! She then snapped the back of the chair in half and held both ends like two axes!

'What the fuck is going on?!' Masha thought in shock, having never seen Luz act like this in the half of year she's known her!

(REMINDER: That "Luz" was Vee in disguise but Luz had been told about their friendship.)

"Everyone, run!" Luz said, not taking her eyes off Belos/Tracey.

"But Ms. Noceda-" the teacher shut up when Luz glared at him.

"GET THE FUCK OUT BEFORE YOU DIE!" Luz shouted at the teacher before blocking another slash! "NOW!"

The students didn't need to be told again, they piled out of the school, one of them pulling the fire alarm to evacuate the school.

This didn't got as Luz imagined but this works either way since she didn't have to hold back out of worry of hurting anyone besides Belos...and Tracey.

'Oh I am going to enjoy this very much.' Luz thought, charging at Belos and clashing her axes against his arms!

They remained in a deadlock struggle as Belos smirked, meeting Luz's disguised blue/hazel eyes with his own.

"Come on, surely you can do more than that." Belos said, teasing Luz.

"Oh, You bet your ass I can." Luz said, dropping one of her faux axes.

She reached into her pocket and pulling out several glyphs, premade just for this occasion! With a push of one, a light glyph shined and blinded Belos as he stumbled back!

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