Ch. 28: Nightmare Come True

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Luz's advanced hearing had picked up on the snap, making her turn her head up and gasp at what she saw!

'No!' Luz thought.

Pink ribbons latched onto Luz and her friends, and Luz felt darkness.

Flashes appeared as fragments of what happened came to her eyes!


Her friends captured!


Her girlfriend reaching out for her!


Her palisman wrapping around her arm in fear!


The Collector was laughing in glee as "Raine" smirked.


"AAAH!" Luz screamed, waking up with a gasp!

She placed her hands over her face as she gasped for air, trying to catch her breath as she tried to regain her bearings.

"Ugh, w-w-what happened?" Luz asked before looking around.

Her blood ran cold as she looked leaned back in the chair she was surprised to be sitting in.

' can't be.' Luz thought, shaking her head to deny this. 'I can't be HERE of all places!'

Looking around, Luz felt her entire world had come crumbling down as she had woken up in the last place she wanted to be. INSIDE of the Emperor's Coven castle throne room, sitting right on the throne!

She quickly stood up and fell away from it, before looking down and seeing her outfit.

"Why am I here, why am I dress like Belos, and why-" Luz looked at herself, "Do I pull this outfit off way better than Belos ever did?"

'The boots, the pants, and the shirt look sort of nice; but the sleeves and gloves need to go.' Luz thought before looking at her cloak with the Emperor's coven symbol on them. 'And this, I don't even need this horrible thing.'

With a quick motion, Luz threw the cloak off her body and saw Stringbean was curled around her neck!

"Little baby!" Luz said, happy to see a familiar face. "Thank Titan you're with me!"

"Hisssss." Stringbean said as she nuzzled her mother/witch.

"Come on, let's get out of this place." Luz said, walking towards the exit of the room. "Maybe we can find where the others are."

She went to the hall, and followed the halls to the entrance of the castle. She went onto the bridge.

"Not many pleasant memories here." Luz said, before looking down in horror, "Oh... my... Titan."

In the pit, was hundreds, maybe thousands, of people petrified. She saw Emira and Edric holding onto each other, she saw Principal Bump and some of her teachers reaching out to be saved, she saw Amelia crying into Boscha's shoulder as Boscha held her, like she was trying to protect her.

Luz stumbled back in shock, her stomach feeling sick as she placed a hand over her mouth to prevent herself from throwing up bile!

T-This is horrible! W-Who did this?!" Luz asked, nearly falling to her knees.

"Who did this? Is that suppose to be a joke Or did you honestly forget?" A new voice said, making Luz jolt. "YOU did this."

Luz turned and saw Amity, looking away from her, holding her staff, crying.

"Amity?" Luz asked.

"You did this." Amity said as she turned to show her crying eyes, dull and cold instead of shining and loving.

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