Ch. 12: Glyph Testing

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Once everyone was in the den, Luz was hugged tightly by her mother and sister as they spoke rapidly in Spanish about how worried they were and how glad they were see Luz was alright.

Somehow, despite having the strength of a Titan, trying to get her mom and sister to let go was an impossible feat.

"Um, mom? Vee? Not that I don't enjoy the hug, but-" Luz was cut off as Vee grew her tail and covered her mouth.

"Cállate, vamos a saborear esto./Shut up, let us savor this."Vee said in Spanish.

"Amity, help!" Luz said.

"I'm good." Amity said.

"Uh... I'm technically half god, so... please?" Luz asked, giving puppy eyes.

"Nope. It wouldn't be right to interrupt a family moment." Amity said, shaking her head.

Luz bemoaned to this as Gus, Willow, and Hunter took some pictures with cameras or scrolls. After another minute of hugging and finally let Luz go, allowing her to stretch as she was met by Hunter.

"I've never been more happy to see you." He said, afraid since she passed out.

"I feel kind of insulted by that, but whatever." Luz said, playfully rolling her eyes.

"You know what I mean. It felt like.....that night all over again. I just don't want to lose anymore friends or family." Hunter said, shaking his head.

"Yeah, I know." Luz said with a small smile and a light punch to his shoulder. "I'll try not to do it again."

"You better." Hunter said as he chuckled and rubbed his shoulder.

'OW!' He thought, hiding his pain. 'Light to her is the equivalent of a three hundred pound right hook!'

"So, ready for more tests?" Hunter asked.

"Yep." Luz said with a smile.

"We already tested the light glyph upstairs and it works perfectly." Amity said with a thumbs up.

"Check it out." Luz said, turning her notebook to another page.

She quickly drew a new light glyph and activated it. A blue light orb formed before all of them, amazing them greatly as Camila gasped at the sight of it.

"It's beautiful....." Camila muttered.

"Yeah but what about the others?" Willow asked.

"I'm unsure yet." Luz said, gesturing to her notebook. "Why don't we go out to the woods and test them out?"

"I vote yes and I'll handle clean up." Vee said with her hand up before she sucked up the light orb to consume it. "Mmmm, it's taste like raspberries!"

Camila shook her head with a face palm.

'When did my life become so crazy?' She thought, still not used to the new crazy and weirdness.

After a quick breakfast, the group walked back to the cabin in the wood...unaware that someone was following them to watch from a distance.

'I must see more!' He thought!

When they arrived, they had Luz create one of each of the main four glyphs. One of light, one of ice, one of fire, and one of plants in notes; each of them on the ground.

"Alright, we already know the light glyph works." Luz said, tapping it to create a large light orb. "Now let's see the ice glyph."

"I got it." Gus said, walking the glyph and tapping it with his foot.

A small pillar of ice rose from it, reaching Luz's knees.

"Ice glyph, check." Vee said, checking it off in a notepad.

"Now for the fire glyph." Hunter said, taking a turn with a glyph.

"Please be careful." Camila said quickly.

Hunter nodded as he kneeled down and pushed the glyph, and making a roaring fire in front of himself.

"Whoa!" Hunter let out, pulling his finger back before he got burned!

"What did I just say?" Camila asked, feeling disobeyed.

"Hm, the fire glyph was the closed to Luz than the ice glyph. So maybe it was much more powerful because of it." Gus said, tapping his chin.

"It makes sense since the Titan is where the glyphs came from. So the closer they are to Luz, the more powerful." Amity theorized as Willow picked up plant glyph.

"Let me test that from about 5 steps away." Willow said.

She walked away from Luz and pressed the glyph, making a vine pop out. She then went back to Luz, who made another plant glyph. Willow took it, and from less than a foot away, pressed the glyph, causing a much larger vine to come out.

"Whoa!" Vee let out in shock, looking at how tall the large vine was.

"I guess the theory is right. The closer the glyphs are to me, the more powerful they are. Guess that works out for me since I use glyph magic more." Luz said, opening her notebook again. "Now, we can move on to the combo glyphs."

"Combo glyphs? The ones that create new spells in certain ways?" Camila asked.

"Exactly mom. And I have the perfect on to test first." Luz said, turning to a glyph combination that HE didn't finish. "A small water glyph."

"This should be fun." Hunter comments.

Luz put the the combo glyph on the ground and pushed it, suddenly feeling the earth shake before a GEYSER of water burst in front of Luz!

"Whoa!" Luz said, falling back a bit and gazing up to the water! "That didn't happen when I first used it!"

"Well, you weren't half Titan last time." Amity said, shocked at the geyser of water.

"I almost hate to see what the other combination glyphs are like." Luz said with a small smirk. "Almost."

'Oh boy.' Everyone thought.

But watching from the shadows, Belos was possessing a squirrel as he saw his original water fountain glyph turned into a geyser just from Luz being so close! Somehow the Titan's blood in her body was even more potent than before!

'I was right! She'll make an even better power source for the portal, no question.' He thought.

He continued to watch as Luz tested the other glyph combinations he created or she created. One that allows her to hover or flying, one that created snowfall, and another that created a tiny tornado as tall as a tree!

Her strength with the glyphs was unrivaled now! And it's because of that strength, the demon realm shall be saved.....or destroyed.

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