~Chapter One~Waking up

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No one's pov

"scrrrrrrrrrch" "scrrrrrrrrch"

The awful sound of nails on a chalkboard woke y/n up with a jolt.No matter how many times she opened and closed her eyes it was still pitch black.She began to panic at the feeling of not being able to move or see overcame her.Suddenly not only could she not see or move but she felt as though she couldn't breath. 

As she felt around hopeful to try and find a latch a knob or handle of any sort to set her free the awful sound came back.

"scrchhh"    "scrhhhh"

But this time there was a voice behind it.

"ehhh people are coming.....better..... hurry... and get a uniform"

"dang it it's too heavy...... heh guess it's time for my..... SPECIAL ATTACK Gurrrehhhhhh"

And with that the sound of wood being torn off wood filled the room.As the front of what seemed like a casket shaped box;that trapped her came falling off.With relief she could finally calm her breathing as her eyes started adjusting

"okkk now to get th-EHHHH"

she matched that voice with the one she had been hearing in the coffin.As her eye's finally adjusted she was shocked to see not a woman or man standing infront of her but a angry... weasel?

"YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE AWAKE YET!!!"the weird looking weasel had what looked like blue flames coming out of it's ears.With it's tail in the shape of a.....pitch fork??

"A...a talking weasel"she half whispered.Y/n was dazed and confused and honestly came to terms that she died or woke up in some make believe world.Where they eat cake for breakfast and always danced and twirled.Or maybe she was just still asleep and having the most confusing dream ever.And that in reality she was back home in her bed safe and sound.

"ERHHHGH WEASEL WHO U CALLING A WEASEL... IM THE AMAZING GRIM" "NOW.....give me your uniform....or else.......i'll ROAST YOU EHHH"as he yelled out his threat blue flames a lot like the ones resting at his ears began to spread.Not wasting a second y/n jumps out of the floating coffin.And dashes for the door not even taking a second to take in her surroundings.

"Breathe....... just breathe...you're fine...it's just a dream...."she told herself as she hid behind a bush to catch her breath.She'd never ran that fast in her entire life or at least that's what she thought as she was having trouble catching her breath.She had made it out of the room that contained the weird weasel..no cat.While Y/n slapped herself to try and wake up she could her voices coming from around the place she just came from.

"What are you doing here!!" a unfamiliar voice said defiantly not the same one as that cat...or Grim."The coffin it's opened" a second voice said "Go and find the student that came from it i'll deal with the cat"Y/n was sure she would be caught seeing as she didn't run far and the bush she was hiding behind wasn't the best place to hide.But thankfully as the tall cloaked figure walked right by her hiding spot they were too busy to notice the terrified shaking girl.

Y/n suddenly felt a burning and tingling sensation throughout her whole body.She looked down to see scraped and cuts all of her body.There were slight burns and redness from what she assumed was from Grim's mysterious blue flames.But she couldn't think of where the cuts came from.She examined the rest of herself to make sure she wasn't actually dead..or dying.She noticed she was wearing jean shorts with a white long sleeve top that was now a crème and black from dirt and ashes. (which she assumed where from the angry cat's blue flames)

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