~Chapter Three~Researching

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As Y/n slowly sat up Crowley,Claire,and Cater walked over."Good morning,Are you hungry?"Said Crowley."Yes i'm starving."Y/n replied.

Crowley then said "Well,we are going to go down early to the cafeteria so there won't be a lot of people to ask questions and bother you.Then we'll go to the library and do some research.Sound all right?"

"Yes,is it okay if i go to the bathroom and freshen up before we leave?"Y/n asked and Crowley responded with a simply smile and a nod.

Crowley and the nurse walked over to her office to talk more about Y/n's injuries.Cater turned to Y/n and said "Soooo,how'd you sleeeep??"

"Surprisingly good.I thought these beds would be very uncomfortable."She replied

"That's what i thought too.But one time i tripped during track and got a crazy nosebleed.So i ended up coming here to get it looked at.And i ended up falling asleep.Of course i ended up getting in trouble for "skipping"the next class.But it was a very good story to post on Magicam!"

"Mag-.........." Before she could respond Crowley yelled from the other room "You almost ready to go?"

She turned to Cater and said "I better go get ready see you later."

As she got up to leave Cater stopped her"Wait....We need to give you some kind of nickname while you try and remember your real one.We can't keep calling you girl."

Y/n:"oh uhh okay....but i have no idea what...."

Cater:"hmmmm........ OoO what about N/n?"

Y/n:"Yea sure that's good for now.Well i better get ready now don't want to leave Crowley waiting."

Cater:"Okay see ya..N/n!"

Y/n made her way to the nurse's small bathroom and got ready.

Y/n felt refreshed and wide awake.The nurse changed her bandages and put band-aids on the deeper and bigger cuts.She changed from Cater's new clothes to extra gym clothes.They were the smallest size so she didn't have to tie or drown in them.


Crowley and Y/n made it to the cafeteria.Seeing as it was super early almost no one was there.Crowley lead her into the kitchen so she could grab some food.Seeing as it was early they didn't have the food set out yet.

"Okay... grab whatever you like."He said

"Right oh and call me N/n.Cater came up with it so you can call me it until i remember my name.""If i every remember it."Seeing as she whispered the last part Crowley simply replied with "Okay then...welcome to Night Raven College N/n now go get some food.

Y/n walked around grabbing different items and a hot cup of coffee to wake her up.She ended up picking eggs,toast,and a couple pieces of bacon for her meal.She sat down at one of the tables and started eating.A few minutes of eating Crowley joined her at the table.A few more minutes of awkward silence she finished and they both stood up to throw away her stuff and continue on to the library.

They finally arrived and Crowley motioned for her to sit down as he grabbed a bunch of books.Since it was really early there were only a few students walking around.

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