~Chapter six~First day

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The sun peaked through the window landing perfectly on the spot of Y/n's eyes waking her up.

She sat up and as she stretched she slowly yawned.

"Aren't you guys supposed to be up and doing your chores??"

Hearing the unexpected voice made both Y/n and Grim jump up yelling.

Y/n and Grim:"AAAAAAAA"

There stood or more like floated the three ghosts from the day before.

Realizing it was just them Y/n stood up stretching and sighing.She walked over to the window drawing the curtains to let in the light.She peered out of the window and saw the dew that covered the grass as well as the thick fog slowly disappearing.
~It must be around 6 am~

Y/n thought, she then turned to the sound of another person's voice.

Crowley:"Good morning N/n Grim how'd you sleep?"

As Grim stood up on the bed ready to file his complaints the three ghosts flew out of the room bored of the new conversation.

Grim:"GOOD MORNING????? HOW'D WE SLEEP?!?!?!?!?"


Y/n quickly ran to Grim's side throwing a hand over his mouth before he could give Crowley a good reason to throw them out or worst give them more chores.


Y/n:"heh......we slept fine thanks for asking....."

Though she wore a huge smile on her face with her eyes closed he could tell she was simply being nice.

Feeling pain in her hand she looked down realizing she was still covering Grim's hand and slowly removed it making sure he wouldn't yell again.

Crowley:"Okay well....Meet me downstairs and i'll tell you what all you'll be doing today."

Crowley left closing the door leaving Y/n and Grim to get ready.

~~~~~~Y/n's Pov

Finally processing everything that just happened i walked over to the broken chair that held all the bags from the night before.Pulling out a pair of black leggings and a simple t-shirt.Nurse Claire was kind enough to buy me a few outfits to last until i earned some money.Heading to the bathroom i see Grim snuggle back into the blankets on the bed.Smiling and rolling my eyes at his laziness i grab a water bottle.

Closing the door behind me a began to change close and look into the dirty mirror seeing how the new outfit looks.Surprisingly The nurse got me the right size.I grab the water bottle and wet a washcloth to wipe my face off later using it to clean the mirror.

Now using the water to brush my teeth then grabbing a brush and brushing my hair.The nurse didn't get me any makeup seeing it's not as important (to others).

I finished up in the bathroom and walked out to grab my old sneakers and socks and putting them on.I pull my hair into a loose low bun not bothering to tie it properly.I walk over to the bed half tempted to follow what Grim did and just go back to sleep.

While making the bed purposely pulling the blanket to wake up Grim i accidentally made him fall off the bed with a loud thud.

Grim:"owWWWw WHY'D YOU DO THAT FOR?!?!?"

Acting like i actually meant to do it i say with a laugh "Come on Grim,Crowley's waiting for us.....Let's just get today done with."

I made my way to the door closing it behind us and walking down the stairs.I see Crowley sitting on one of the unbroken wooden chairs at the table.

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