Author's Note

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Hi everyone ,

So if you couldn't tell i've been in a writers block.I've been really unmotivated and i know this next chapter is gonna be long.Plus i always check on Tw to make sure i'm following the plot.So it's a lot of changing apps.But i promise a new chapter will be out soon!I was thinking what if whenever i get stumped with the main story i do a filler or a one shot kind of thing.Like write about a random day or maybe write about an event,what do you guys think?Also please comment and like or whatever you do on this app it really helps motivate me and boost my confidence (i need a major boost atm).But thank y'all so much for reading and i hope you've enjoyed :))))

(Also i just looked but 112 READS WHAT that's honestly crazy i thought i had like 2 i'm bewildered and now i fr need to step it up THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!)
                                                       Bye bye~

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