~Chaper Seven~Oopsie daises

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"Come on Grim,we have exactly ten minutes to get to the cafeteria!"

Grim:"There's still time to slip away....You can say you hurt your incredibly weak arm....and that i had to help you open the door to Ramshackle!!!"

Grim's steps poured with confidence,almost like what he said made perfect sense and was the best alibi ever....

"Grim. i. am. not. weak......okay maybe a little.BUT it's just because i've been malnourished."

Y/n and Grim walked in silence the rest of the way.The soon to be punishment already weighing on both of them.

As classes started to let out more and more stinky boys came flooding out of rooms.Filling corridors and bumping into the small compared Y/n and Grim.

Finally squeezing and weaving past tall figures they both made it to the cafeteria.A few boys lingered here and there but as minutes went by Y/n and Grim found themselves completely alone.

"Are we at the right cafeteria?"


"Oh i was just kidding i highly doubt-"

Grim:"OOOH I WONDER OF THE OTHER CAFETERIA HAD BETTER FOOD.CAUSE THIS ONE SUCKS.....OoO except for their tuna salad that's a yummy one..."

Grim's rambling went on and Y/n tuned him out as she observed all the possible windows they'd have to clean that day.She was already tired from not only already having to clean the corridors and some kids puke.But she was also drained from the previous fight Grim had with Ace.

(* means this is persons thoughts)

*Ace....Ace.. *Y/n sat and thought about the new character in her life.

~~~~Y/n's Pov

*Hmmm....He seemed nice at first but then turned out to be a pain in the butt.Maybe he's not use to talking to girls...Let's see that window is huge..maybe we make Ace do that one alone....while me and Grim work on that one....They look pretty dusty...hmm i wonder what time we'll finish...oh no what if this punishment lasts for weeks....what if there's a deadline and if we don't finish it!!!*

Grim:"Hey N/n i'm pretty sure the gingers majorly late."


I look to the wall where a clock hangs ti see how long we've been waiting for Ace.

"Five minutes."

"Classes let out like fifteen minutes ago...."

"Lets give him a few more minutes."

Grim:"UGh no way."

"That way we can use his lateness as an excuse to make him do more..okay?"

Grim:"Hey that's not to shabby..good idea....i guess...."

*Oh wow THE Great Grim complement ME.Oh how will i recover.*

Y/n silently laughed as she jokingly talked to herself in her head.

*Oh wow maybe i am going insane...*

Grim:"OK i'm done waiting for him!"

"Okay i'm getting bored let's go find him."

~~~No One's Pov

Grim and Y/n left the cafeteria aimlessly walking around the school in search for their new best friend.Or more like their new Worst friend.

Grim leads the way into a random classroom.

Grim:"ACE come here don't try to hide fro-"

"It's empty."

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