~Chapter Eight~ Dwarf 's Mine

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~ Recap

Feeling a little nervous to travel by Mirror Y/n subconsciously grabbed the person on her rights arm.That just so happened to be Ace.

Ace:"Hey get of me that's....uh  my hurt arm!"

"You got hurt?"

Ace:"Just a little....It's not a big deal stop your yapping!"

Still nervous Y/n looks to Deuce to see if he'll be kind enough to let her hold on to him.With a small smile and moving his arm a little closer he encouraged her to hold on.

Ace:"What are you a Baby!?!?"

Deuce:"Stop it Ace.She's not from around here
remember.She doesn't even have magic!!"

"Thanks....."*i think*

Deuce:"I summon thee Dark mirror and ask of you to take us to the Dwarfs Mine!"

The three of them plus an almost completely forgotten Grim stepped in, eager to know what their future might have in store for them.


With the slight buzzing gone from her ears Y/n slowly opened her eyes to see trees and a train track leading into what she assumed was the mine.

Deuce :"Ehh... N/n can you....let go now?You're kinda squeezing my arm too much..."

Y/n:"Ah sorry bout that...heh.."

Ace:"Hey look a house...Let's go take a look."

Ace and Grim race to the mysterious house as Deuce and Y/n simply walk.Of course to their luck the day is starting to end making the sun hide behind the trees to leave them in the dark.When they all arrive to the creepy house Ace peeks through the window.And Grim tries knocking the door down.

Y/n:"Guys....i hope- .....don't think anyone's home."

Ace:"Okay Furball step aside and watch the pro!"

Grim:"PUhLEase.....like you can do it.If i can't no one can!!The doors probably like glued shut."

Deuce:"We should probably stick to the plan."

Ace:"What plan?"

Deuce:"Uh th- you know......Find the magestone bring it back.....Don't get expelled."

Y/n:"That's not really a plan....more like a goal."

Without a second to respond Ace backs up and charges at the door.Expecting it to be a bit tougher to open then normal he used his whole weight.Only to realize the door wasn't stuck.....or locked.The door swung open with ease and Ace came falling down to the ground.

Grim let out a huge scary laugh,Deuce held back a laugh,and Y/n played her laugh off as a cough.But her fake cough came to a real one when she stepped in through the door.Dust was in the air spiderwebs everywhere.Furniture scattered all over it reminded her of her 'loving' home aka Ramshackle Dorm.

~Ace's Pov

As i lifted myself off the floor i could hear the not so quiet laughs from Grim and Deuce.

"Stop laughing...It's not even funny."

Dusting all the dirt and dust off me i began to explore trying my best to ignore Grim's teasing.

Grim:"Ahah you dhjdjdjdhd fbdhdjdbd."

(that's him tuning Grim out)

Dust,cobwebs,dust,dust,oh and did i mention more dust??

Deuce:"This place looks pretty abandoned."

Y/n"OOh nooooo i'm sorry i thought this place was spotless."

Catching on to her sarcasm i decide to play along.

"N/n is right it looks like a maid comes and cleans 24/7!"

Deuce:"Okay okay very funny."



~No Ones Pov

In a blink of an eye all four ran out.Running as far away as possible the four of them stopped by what seemed to be a hole in a wall.

Y/n:"I think this is the cave entrance!"

As the boys attempted to catch their breath Y/n peered into the cave to see nothing but darkness.

Deuce:"Yea it is!These are old cart tracks and even some left over tools in this box!"

Y/n:"Flashlights!!We can use these to see."

Ace:"Um you forgot one thing."

Pulling out his magic pen and whispering into it,it began to glow.

Ace:"We have magic......"


Deuce:"We're not allowed to use magic off campus or during free time.Only when a teacher or dorm lea-"

Grim:"BLAH BlAh bLah Who cares we're on a mission!!!Plus no one tells Grim what to do!"

Y/n:"Well we better get going it's already getting dark.I don't feel like getting lost."

Ace:"Alright Deuce you go first!"

As Ace pushed Deuce forward Y/n and Grim followed after leaving Ace to be last.Ace and Deuce and Grim all used their own magic while Y/n turned on her flashlight.And with that the Four set off on their daring adventure.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Author's Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

So sorry i've been gone for awhile!!Ive been super busy and super unmotivated.Apologies!I will attempt to get back in the mood to post more often and stuff please like comment ect.Short chapter for today wanted to get this out asap i didn't read over so sorry for any mistakes.

837 words
                                          ~bye bye

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