~Chapter Five~Deal

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"Shampoo,body wash,Cleaning supplies,a hairbrush,more bathroom supplies....." his word's started fading out as Y/n turned all her focus on the food in front of her.Stuffing her face, her attention was snapped back to Crowley as they both heard a loud achoo.


Next thing they heard was a thud and a bunch of grumbles.



As Grim stood up wiping his nose.The now mad headmaster took a step back in shock and said"Well.....if I remember correctly I had you escorted off campus,correct?"

Y/n swallowed the food in her mouth while also wiping any crumbs off her face as she stood up.

She stood there in silence not knowing what exactly to say to get her out of trouble.So while waiting for his next words she thought of what she'd do if he did kick her out.

Maybe she'd find a hotel to stay at..nope she had no money.She hadn't even started her "chores" so she couldn't pay for anything not even food.

Maybe she could start a job or make a deal like she had done with Crowley.....hmm a deal.........A deal!!

That's it she thought "I can make another deal.................hopefully."

Crowley saw the smirk growing on N/n's face and to his curiosity asked "Why the weird face?"

Grim was dusting off all the dust and filth that came from his hiding spot and added to Crowley's sentence "Yea you look constipated!"

Snapping out of her thoughts she gave a small laugh and rolled her eyes to Grim's words and said
"Look Mr.Crowley.I know Grim has been very.....troublesome but i have an idea that could solve everyone's problems!"

Crowley:"And what could that be?"

Y/n:"Okay you see it's very obvious that Grim is stu-.....not gonna quit ....uuh proving himself so that you'll allo-

Crowley:"Stop,stop right there you should know by now that we don't except animals or people that haven't been chosen by the mirror...."

Grim was very agitated at this point.He took a deep breath in ready to give them a piece of his mind when Y/n interrupted him.... (on purpose)

Y/n:"I understand that ....but please let him stay.It's very lonely and ....uh scary in Ramshackle that it would be nice to have some company.And that way you won't have to come and....entertain me.He could also help me clean and early he got those ghosts to leave and-"

Crowley:"Wait ghost?I know about the rumors but there isn't actually any ghost here...."

Grim:"There was!And of course as the powerful mage i am, scared them away and protected this small child!"

Y/n:"Small child?!?!?!!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Flashback ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Y/n:"Okay Grim can you put all the trash in these bags?"



~~~~Grim's pov

His thoughts:ok time to explore......heh i wonder if anyone left any goods behind.........grrrrrrrhshdbsd***

eh i'm hungryyyyyy i better get some premium tuna for helping this weakling...

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