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Prince VIRGO

"Humans are too social for me."

19 (next in line for the throne)
Natural dark brown hair with green eyes and rectangular shaped glasses (pic on the left.) . Taller than average.
Virgo is the type of person to rather stay in his room and read a book instead of going out with friends. He doesn't talk a lot since he finds it un-nessery, the only time you'll find him talking is when he feels comfortable or he is being forced to. That's why even though he is the future king of Sabel, he has a huge stage-fright and hates having a huge group of people just sit and watch him. But other than that he's an amazing leader since he can easily spot a person's and a team's strengths and weaknesses and use that as an advantage. He is determined and hardworking resulting in strong will, you will almost never see him give something up unless he is 100% sure it's a lost cause. He can be overprotective with his siblings from time to time even though he knows they can handle themselves.

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"F*CK this royal life."

Dyed dark grey hair and green eyes identical to his siblings. Around his brother's height and very skinny.
Sagittarius loves to explore places he's never been to, the forest of Sabel is the perfect place. He often escapes his royal duties to go and explore the forest, spoiler alert: he always gets lost. His parents have to send a hole search party every time, and it happens alot more often than it should. For that reason he always has to listen to the boring lectures his parents give him, and as if that wasn't enough his older brother Virgo gives him an even longer lecture everytime he goes into that forest. The only person that supports him is his younger sister Aquarius, sometimes they both run away together into the forest and enjoy their lives. Other than that he's very confident, brave and always wants to make new friends, for example the forest animals.

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"I don't get it."

Dyed green hair that hardly reaches her shoulders with one thick strand of hair that is longer than the rest and green eyes. Average height and chubby cheeks.
Aquarius has Dyslexia and ADHD meaning she has trouble concentrating and learning as well as reading simple things, but it doesn't bother her much. She's so wierd that sometimes people ask her if she's and alien from one of Jupiter's moons. She will giggle at the most random times and loves playing with sharp object knowing it might harm her, she just finds it satisfying. She likes acting dumb or asking questions she knows the answer to just to find out if you're lying. Although her silly habbits of biting her nalis, goofing around, making illogical choices and talking to imaginary friends proves she doesn't have that much brain cells, but she's clearly underestimated. Her mind works as fast as a computer and she loves trying to read books about pure science facts in her spare time. Thanks to her fast mind she is a natural in close combat. She can take down three to four people at once thanks to this ability. She also has very chubby cheeks, both her brothers love pinching it and comment saying it's extra soft.


Princess LEO

"I'm da queen of this generation!"

17(next in line for the throne)
Orange hair that reaches her lower back with some of her hair in two high pony tails on the sides and blue eyes. Shorter than her age.
Leo is full on ready to take the throne as Queen of Obnow unlike most royals. She has pride in her work and is confident... At least she looks like it. Deep down she has alot of insecurities about herself and the way she looks like but decides to hide it behind her bright smile. She can make you laugh even in your darkest moments but that talent she had never worked on herself. The only people that know about this is her brothers Gemini and Cancer. She has no secrets to hide from the two. she is energetic and fun to be around but can be modest when it comes to royal duties. On the outside she has pride, confidence and power. So don't mess with her, she can land a hard and painful punch if she wants to with ease. And she also keeps the little doll she used to play with when she was little.

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"No living thing deserves to die."

Dyed baby blue hair and blue eyes that match with his siblings. As tall as Leo.
Cancer is like that one soft boy in school. He looks kind and cute and he usually is but don't underestimate him. If he doesn't like you, he can easily just expose you whether you tell him anything or not. He knows. If you don't want to get to that side of him then don't mess with his emotions. He's really sensitive and can be hurt easily. He's not as cute and innocent as he looks, he may not know how to fight but he knows how to manipulate people. He has the power to make anyone feel guilty even if they aren't. But other than that he will always be there if you need someone to listen to your problems. He's all ears. Cancer may be a master manipulator but it doesn't mean he doesn't feel guilty for doing so. He always has a soft side for everyone.

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"Hey, gorgeous."

ginger hair with blue eyes that match Cancer and Leo's eyes. Taller than all his siblings.
Gemini in one word is trouble (in a fun way). He knows how to make your day with just a phrase or a smile. He flirts with almost every girl he sees but doesn't really mean it. Most of the time. When you need someone to make you smile then rush over to him. No matter how sad you are he never fails putting a real smile on everyone's face. His optimistic personality is one of a kind. He has all the girls fangirling over him in his Kingdom and all wish to marry him, but all he wants to do is have fun and live life to the fullest. You will almost never see him sad. He loves making friends and meeting new people. Being the youngest, he always got what he wanted but that never made him spoilt instead be appreciated the position of Prince and tries his best when it comes to royal duties even thoung he sucks at it.

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