Chapter 13

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Gemini's POV

"This is stupid." I muttered as we walked down the streets of Wurro heading back to the forest. I was wearing a huge black robe that covered my back and my feet. I also secured a belt around my wings to compress them against my body to make it seem as if I was completely normal so that I didn't attract any attention.

"Why look in a forest for hours while we can go to a zoo and smuggle a parrot?" Sagittarius whined speaking out my thoughts.
"Why didn't we think of that?" Andromeda asked.
"To the zoo!" Leo shouted gleefully punching the air.

"Oh, no no. Coffee and I'll stay outside and wait. Coffee doesn't like the animals in the zoo." Taurus said while stroking her cat what was resting on her arm. "And I can't bear to see you guys squeeze the blood of a parrot. It's just cruel!" She added.

"If it's to save Gemini's life then so be it." Cancer said earning a nod from Leo. I have the best siblings. "I thought you guys hated me." I gave a fake pout making Leo smack the back of my head.

"Too bad Aries isn't here. I need someone to hug me when we have to kill the poor creature." Aquarius pouted in a way that seemed she had no intentions of trying to get a guy to hug her but Libra came over to me and whispered. "Do you think I should do it?" He asked making me give him a smug smirk. He looked away blushing in reaponse.

Aries had to go and deal with some royal business since her mom was dead and probably her dad was too. So she couldn't come with us to look for the parrot. Can't blame her really, someone needs to look after Wurro. It made me think back home, did they bomb it as well? Was Mom and dad okay and still alive? Probably not but I pushed the thought away.

"Shut up, we're here." Capricorn said making me sap out of my thoughts and look at the gate infront of us with the word 'zoo' above the gate.

"Can we enter?" Andromeda asked walking towards the guard by the gate.
"You need to be booked." Hissed the gaurd in green armour which was obviously fake.

The moment the man could see Pisces and Taurus in the group he immediately opened the gates. "Right this way." He bowed. Taurus stayed by the gates with her cat as the rest of us entered.

As we walked around the zoo, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Leo, Cancer, Libra and I got distracted by almost every animal we met on the way as the rest of them dragged us along straight towards the birds.

We spotted a parrot and Andromeda picked the lock of the cage and immediately snatched a random parrot that had similar colours with my wings. He stuffed the parrot (which was still screaming it's lungs out) in a bag while the workers weren't looking and handed it to Pisces as he locked the cage again.

"What are the royals of all four kingdoms doing in a dirty old zoo may I ask?" A hot and wierdly high pitched female voice called from behind us. We all snapped our heads towards the voice as Pisces tried to hide the shrieking parrot inside the bag behind her. The girl had violet eyes and bleach white hair that reminded me of a certain person I saw. "Carina..." I hissed recognising her inoccent look. "I'm sorry but I can't let you take that parrot." She said putting her hands on her hips sassily.

"Special orders from the royal family of Wurro, and last time I checked, I can own you." Taurus hissed at her. Carina cave an exaggerated sigh. "Guess we were right about you royals. So spoilt and greedy. Always gets what they want, never has to pay for their crimes." She shook her head side to side.

"Get lost," Capricorn sighed walking past her and signalling the others th follow. "Give the parrot back or I take it." She hissed staring at Pisces. Pisces gave a tiny squeak as Virgo stood in between her and Carina.

"Come and try." Sagittarius said smirking as he got in position as if he was actually going to fight her. Carina smirked and turned on her heel 180°. "Code yellow! Code yellow!!" She shouted. At first I tried to hold in a laugh but then realised men in full black clothing and masks ( suspiciously just like Andromeda's) were charging at us in top speed. I paniced.

I threw a random punch at one of them and kicked another in the shins but got my hands pinned on my back by another man. It was all too fast, but I reckon someone hitting me hard on the head with a bat knocking me out.

"That was a lot easier than expected." Scorpio commented as we left the zoo and met up with Taurus. The guard asked what was moving in the bag but Taurus told him not to question it.

"Eh??" I asked looking around me to see Virgo carrying my feet and Cancer carrying my hands. I struggled out of their grip and they put me on the floor. I got up and rubbed the side of my head in pain. "That was so cool! We beat up a whole bunch of people!" Aquarius grinned punching the air. She had a little bit blood streaking out of her mouth and some went down her head but she seemed okay.

We then walked on for what seemed like forever until we reached the castle. Aries invited us in and showed us the potion room where there were many cauldrona lined up and potions on the walls.

I wrote my signature on a piece of paper and handed it to Leo who dumped my hairpieces and the paper into the empty cauldron. The parrot had been forced into a cage and was trying it's best to get out of there. Andromeda seemed to be the only one that wasn't bothered by hurting a parrot so he plucked out two or three fethers from the Parrot's wing making it squack louder in pain, it was unbearable to watch. He added it into the dry cauldron emotionlessly.

"Now we need the blood of the parrot in order to complete the curse." Scorpio muttered with distaste.

"You guys can wait outside the door if it's too uncomfortable for you." Andromeda sugessted and literally everyone left the potion room except for Andromeda who got done with the job quite quickly.

"You guys can come in now. I disposed of the Parrot's body as well." He called. We all filled into the room and stared at the blood- red liquid inside the cauldron. "Now we need a wolfowl to reverse the spell." Cancer sighed.

"W-we'll find it in the Forest Of Graves e-eventually." Virgo said in a matter-of-fact voice.

"We can do that tomorrow, I think we should all get some rest." Capricorn sugessted.
"We have a coulpe dozen extra guest rooms you guys can use." Pisces offered.

"Perfect!" I grinned. I was exhausted and my head hurt like hell, so i was eager for a good nap.

Tomorrow we'd be off into the most creepy and misty forest in the land. yay.

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Yay! Early update! Hope you like it.







A man walked into a Bar and met a pretty woman.
"Do I know you?" He asked.


"Yes I think you're the father of one of my children." The wonwn replied.



"Wait, are you that stripper in the bar I went to last year?" He asked.



"No but I'm your son's maths teacher." She replied.

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