ten years later

243 3 4

Third person POV

"All was good for another generation.
Ophiuchus and his servants were locked up in the world's most secure prison located under the River of Poseidon.

"All the zodiacs had found happiness and love, some became kings and queens and others became a happy family.

"Leo and libra got married two years after the adventure on the sixth of March and became king and queen of Obnow, she asked to date me first, but I told her I had many errands to run. She was sad, but luckily Libra was there for her.

"Taurus and Gemini married shortly after in the same year on the twenty first of October and decided to travel the world together.

"In that same year, a last couple got married on the eitheenth of December and became King and Queen of Fowl: Capricorn and Aquarius. That year was like the year of marriage if you ask me.

"The following year, Sagittarius and Scorpio decided on marrying on the third of January and settled down in a faraway cottage in Sabel.. those two liked their privacy.

"Taurus and Gemini had baby twins on that same year, fifth of June, one girl and another boy. The girl was named Thaila and the boy, Corvus

"Cancer and Aries became king and Queen of Wurro the same year, at the end of September. They were quite an interesting couple.

"The year after that, two little boys were born, one named Draco, son of the Wurro royal family, born in the month of April,
and the other, Regulus, the child of Capricorn and Aquarius, who's birthday was celebrated on the twelfth of May.

"One year later, came Regulus' little sister, Maia, on the eight of February.

"Virgo and Pisces married that same year and became the Royals of Sabel near the end of May, then Draco was gifted a brother one year younger than him, on the ninth of July, called Sirius. Those two boys turned out to be alot of trouble...

"A year after Virgo married Pisces, they attempted having a child. Pisces ended up pregnant but it turned out to be a miscarriage. That was a devastating year for the two.

"On the happier note, two years after Sirius, Aries gave birth to yet another child: A little girl called Hydra. A year after that, Sagittarius and Scorpio had their first child which was another girl named Lyra.

"Now, we come to the present year, the thenth year after their big story, Pisces and Virgo gave anothet attempt and this time succeeded. Pisces was pregnant with a boy that was to be born on the second of January the following year.

"On this present year, Libra and Leo finally had their first child, after seven years of marriage. I have no idea why they waited that long but the girl's name was already decided: Bellatrix and she was to be born on the fifth of September... Which is only two days after the day this chapter takes place."

Orion sighed. "Their adventures were told on for generations to come. And sometimes, just glancing at their kids reminds me of their parents, and how they made it through all of what happened and survived.

"I've got strong expectations for this new generation."


"You can't even give me one clue?" Virgo asked his wife.

"I want it to be a suprise for everyone, including you." Pisces responded touching the side of his face. "Anyways, we should get some sleep, you'll learn  the gender of the kid tomorrow." She sighed and slid down from a sitting position to sleep, facing her back to him.

Virgo gave a sigh and laid down in their bed and wrapped his arms around her waist, hardly being able to fall asleep due to anxiety.

It had been three years since the miscarriage and he was anxious if history were to repeat itself. All he could do was hope that this one actually made it out of the womb.

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