[1] Percy should be paid overtime

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I can't even explain to you what spirit possessed me when I became a Wattpad Fanfic writer. I'm so sleep deprived and I'm starting to have dreams about my fanfictions. Things are great.


Sometimes, I wish I was born as anyone else. Percy Jackson isn't really who I want to be, not right now, anyway.

I try my hardest to not let it bother me. To keep a smile on my face and ensure that everyone sees me as the willing hero who just wants to help. That's who I wish I was.

The truth is, after the end of the Giant war, I don't care anymore. We lost so many people. The very next day I discovered that Mom and Paul died too?
I knew the Fates hated me, but I thought I at least deserved a short break.
I guess not.


After the battle against Gaia, the Gods called us to the throne room to give us our rewards. They left Nico, Jason and I for last.

I thought I knew what they'd offer me. I'd refuse Immortality like I had before. All I wanted was to grow old with Annabeth. Immortality was a curse anyway.

Except by the time Annabeth accepted her reward, it was clear that we wouldn't get that. She accepted the offer to be a minor goddess. How could she? Maybe I'm being selfish, but after everything we've been through, I'd told her a million times that I thought immortality was a curse and I'd rather die than receive it, and she had said that she'd stick by me through anything. So why would she accept?

When the Gods finally got to Jason, Nico and I, my mind was buzzing and I could barely make out the words being said.

Annabeth was sitting at the foot of her mothers throne, looking at me like she expected me to become a god too, did she even know me?

In my thoughts I missed whatever the gods had said, I only snapped out of my reflection when I heard Nico screech,

"Are you fücking kidding me?"

I snapped my attention back to the gods, who were looking very sheepish, I nudged Jason and whispered,

"Fill me in?" Jason rolled his eyes and let out a breathy chuckle,

"They want us on another quest,"

"What!?" I shouted, successfully drawing the attention of everyone in the throne room,

"This is necessary, for the fate of the world" Zeus said, though when he said 'the world' it sounded at little like 'their world'. I brushed it off.

"Get someone else to do it." I said,

"This must be done by a child of each of the big three." Hades said, he was obviously trying to ensure that I didn't get deep fried by the Drama Queen himself. It would be a blessing, really.

"Perce, it's kinda our duty to do this." Jason said softly.

"Our duty? It's our duty to watch our friends die? Was it Leo's duty to sacrifice himself to stop Gaia?" I asked savagely, Jason looked uncomfortable but he I continued, "we deserve normal lives Jason, I don't know what Camp Jupiter taught you, but we are meant for more than blind obedience to the gods." I softened my tone because Jason looked a little scared and I hated that.

"We swear on the Styx that if you do this quest, we won't even be able to give you another quest." Hera cut in, the way she worded it scared me but I was intrigued,

"Go on..." Nico said, I guess I wasn't the only one with that thought.

"We need some privacy." Hera said, she waved her hand and everyone apart from the Olympians and the three of us disappeared from the room. Hopefully they were outside or back at camp, but with Hera, it's always hard to tell, it's possible that she had kidnapped them all, and they wouldn't be seen for another 8 months.

"It's simple. We need you to replace us." Hades said casually, my face contorted in confusion but Zeus continued,

"Many years ago, we inhabited both this world and another simultaneously, however, after a prank gone wrong" Zeus stopped to glare at Hermes, who shrank in his throne, looking like he'd rather be anywhere else, "we were forced to abandon that world. However in recent centuries, the world has become chaotic. We require you three to enter that world and become the big three. We believe that three gods should be enough to offset the instability

"Wait, hold on," I started, "you said in recent centuries, so why didn't you fix this problem earlier?"

"The process was slow, and we aren't exactly able to check on an abandoned world often." Apollo said,

"We'll allow you to elect your own King of The Gods, as we did. In General you may rule this world however you like."
The three of us looked at each other. I could see that Jason really wanted to do this, he was a order-following roman at heart, after all. Plus with Piper accepting her mother's offer of immortality, their relationship was basically over. I supposed the same thing applied to me.
Nico looked like he couldn't care less. So we were agreed, there wasn't really anything keeping us in this world, was there?

"I guess we're in." I said. Zeus grinned (which was just plain scary.) for a moment, before Athena cut in,

"There is one more thing." She said, sitting abnormally straight, "one of you will be required to take on another domain."

"What?" I asked, what did that even mean?

"There is one more element that has grown out of control in the Gods absence. So one of you must take a second domain to balance it once again."

"What is this domain?" Nico asked suspiciously, Athena took a deep breath,


"No!" Nico shouted, how was his voice not hoarse yet?

"This is not debatable." Hera said, "I nominate Perseus." So not only did one of us have to become Gaia 2.0, but we didn't get to chose who? I was really beginning to regret agreeing to this.

"I agree." Aphrodite almost squealed,

"The brat would be... acceptable."

"Perry? Oh all right then." Mr D muttered. I resisted the urge to scoff,

"Gee Thanks." I muttered under my breath, but I suppose when you're in a room of ancient gods, nothing goes unheard,

"Excuse me?" Drama Queen thundered.

Don't do it, don't do it.

"You're Excused." I did it. Zeus's expression went from stormy to downright murderous, I grinned at him,

"You'll regret that-"

"Father!" Athena interrupted, "You can't kill him, we have replacements for the other two, but there is no other sea brat." Zeus scoffed and rolled his eyes, but said nothing.

"Excuse me, replacements?" Nico asked incredulously,

"Artemis's Lieutenant and the rock one." Dionysus waved his hand dismissively, "Helga, was it? Harriet? Haley?"

"Hazel?" Jason asked, sounding unimpressed,

"If you say so." Dionysus muttered, clearly having already lost interest,

"If you're quite finished," Zeus interrupted, "I'd like to send them off now."

"Wait, we don't even get to say goodbye to-" I started, but was unable to finish due to being dropped down a giant glowing hole in the middle of the Throne room floor.

Well, I guess that conversation is over.


I was so tempted to make Hazel the death goddess, because she's severely underrated, but I didn't think Nico would willingly allow Hazel to do that, and be forced to leave Frank, if he could do it instead.

ANYWAY, hope you enjoyed the first chapter of the Big Three, please vote, comment and maybe even follow me?

Luv Ya,


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