[4] Apparently Nico's the only one who can do his job

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Percy was not having fun.

He didn't know who these freaks were, but they kept trying to remove his limbs and it was getting dull.

They'd used Katana's at first, which didn't work at all, so they tried a few other blades before eventually realizing they could use Percy's sword.

The only problem was that they couldn't find it.

Eventually Percy just told them, he was getting bored, and he didn't really fear the men who didn't bother to test everything he had on him.

Riptide managed to draw blood, well Ichor, which was quite the shock for them, but not much more than that, a god can only get hurt if they want to, and honestly? Percy didn't really fancy it.

"Alright, clearly this isn't going to work so why don't you just tell me what you want from me?" Percy said impatiently, they'd resorted to taking it in turns to scrape Percy up with riptide because nothing else seemed to be working, it hurt, of course, but not nearly as much as many of the other things Percy had experienced in his life.

"That is a good question, Perseus Jackson." a voice said from out the shadows, was there just someone there the entire time? Out stepped a woman, she looked young, or not, her face was sort of ageless.

There weren't exactly many features about this woman that should have taken Percy's attention, she wasn't ugly, but she didn't have gorgeous calculating grey eyes or-

Percy shook his head, Do not think about her.

Percy looked up at the woman again, she was tall, but that wasn't what was striking about her, it was the way she carried herself, commanded the room, she was clearly the leader of the people who had been attacking him.

Percy blinked, "I didn't tell you my name." he said, narrowing his eyes suspiciously, the woman just gave a crooked smile,

"We have our ways." she said vaguely, Percy just scoffed,

"What do you want from me, then?" He asked, feeling a little annoyed that he'd been kidnapped and not even had anything properly explained to him.

Percy was a god now, so why did he still feel the same way he did on all those quests? Why did he still feel so clueless?

"Mr Jackson, I understand that to you're new to this world, so let me give you some insight," she said with a smirk, and Percy narrowed his eyes, sure he felt clueless, but he wasn't stupid enough to miss when someone might be manipulating him, he'd tread carefully, "This world, though many people don't see it that way, is a world at war."

Percy flinched at the thought, "War?" Percy's voice was little more than a croak in his throat, not another.

"There are many different types of people with power in our world, Mr Jackson, but they effectively boil down into three groups, those who use their strength for others, and for law and order, those who use their strength for themselves and their own greed or entertainment, and those who are just trying to survive and make a living." The woman explained, stepping towards him,

"And which group are you?" Percy asked raising an eyebrow, the woman laughed.

"People claim that my organization is the second, but we think of ourselves as the third. That's why we brought you here, it would be nice to have Olympus on our side, now that it's reopening." Percy actually couldn't hold in a laugh,

"You want me to help you, when I just spent the last 3 days getting attacked by your men?" he asked incredulously, the woman's eyes widened,

"My men got carried away, but an alliance would be beneficial to-" The woman seemed serious, but Percy just stood up, breaking the chains as he moved, and shook his head,

"Sorry, No, not happening." The woman narrowed her eyes and took a step forward,

"You'll regret making an enemy of the League of Assassins-" she started but Percy cut her off by stepping forward, a murderous glint in his eye,

"I don't think there's anyone you could possibly be that would make me regret crossing you." He smirked, "Goodbye."

And he disappeared. He wasn't really sure how he'd done it, maybe some sort of variation of Nico's shadow travel, maybe he's simply flashed like the gods in his world did so often, but the point was that he was gone, and was now standing in the middle of a dingy back alley in a city that smelled like something Percy didn't want to know.

Percy extended his abilities out, reaching out through the water, he had practiced controlling such a large amount over the last few days and he had gotten pretty good at it. He reached out his senses and found that he was in a large city, close enough to water, it seemed alright, he thought. Percy stumbled out of the alley found a disgusting newspaper on the floor,

"Blüdhaven, huh?"



Nico had to admit that the sleep he had in the underworld that night after he arrived was the best sleep he'd had in a long, long, time.

And it was a good thing he had it because gods this world had gone to shit.

Nico had sat on the throne, just for a laugh, and suddenly he was aware of everything. It wasn't overwhelming like it had been before, this time it felt right, like being fully wide awake in a way he hadn't before, he had to admit it was a feeling he enjoyed, that knowing, he didn't have to wonder or be unsure because here in this throne he knew what this world would need to fix it's afterlife, and he knew that he was able to do it.

Nico stood up and cracked his knuckles, first things first, people were dying and not staying dead, so that needed to change.

It didn't seem too hard, the Lazarus pit was, after all, just residue of his fathers power that was tying even more power here, it was the probably the reason Nico was so intensely overwhelmed by the power, he was receiving his own and his father's.

All he would have to do is absorb the energy and release it, then, he could set to work on clearing up the messes that had already been made.

Nico took a deep breath, time to get to work.


Just watched Saltburn. Ummmm...

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