[6] Kaldur is tired and he is doing his best.

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Not sure if this is true or if I'm making this up but at least in this fic Zeta codes that start with a D- are decommissioned codes, so like when you die, your code would be converted to D- whatever your number was before. I basically guessed this from the fact that in Season 4 (spoilers) of YJ, Connor dies and his code changes to D-04 when it was previously B-04. I assume characters like Wally and Jason would also have D- codes, retired heroes might have it too.

I have zero regard for the timeline, characters are whatever age I want them to be but assume young justice is season 2/3.



Mount Justice was quiet, for once. No majorly destructive arguments, no missions or attacks, there was no training that day as Black Canary was doing something up in the watchtower, this left the members of the Young Justice Team to relax, well, all except one...

Kaldur sighed and stood up from his desk, hoping to get a glass of water and stretch his legs before getting back to work.

When Kaldur strolled into the lounge-kitchen area, he saw Red Robin and Cassie fighting over the remote, which was odd, because Conner normally watched static on that television, and he knew for a fact that Red Robin had installed a TV in his room, and therefore didn't need to use this one.

Kaldur really get the chance to wonder for much longer because the sound of the Zeta Tube firing up echoed through the base.

Kaldur sighed and stared to walk over to the Zeta Tube, not even reacting when a blur whizzed past him, another following right after. Wally and Bart, he assumed.

Kaldur reached the Zeta just as the robotic voice announced

"Recognised, D-100, Z-01." Kaldur paused, D-100? Why would  Batman bring a decommissioned hero into the base, and what on earth made them D-100?

It reminded Kaldur of the Glitch the system would sometimes have, where it would announce Wonder Woman and Cassie as D-101 and D-102, and sometimes his mentor would get D-201, what this person like that?

The person who came through the tube and stopped next to Batman certainly looked similar to Cassie, he looked about 16 and had the same blonde hair, though his was cropped, and the same electric blue eyes, though his seemed to go far deeper than Cassie's.

Kaldur noticed himself studying the boy and tore his eyes away, taking note of the rest of the team studying him to the same extent (if not worse, especially in Red Robin's case), he seemed to be getting uncomfortable, so Kaldur stepped forward,

"Batman, Who is this?" He asked, looking over to the bat-themed vigilante,

"This is Jason. Ensure to it that he is monitored at all times." Batman said simply, Jason shrugged and held a hand up in an awkward wave, Kaldur opened his mouth to question Batman further, but was cut off by the computer calling out his Zeta denomination.

Wally stepped forward, "We're meant to monitor him?" He asked incredulously,

"What does that even mean? Like, watch him all the time?"

"I say we lock him in a cell and be done with it."

"Conner!" Megan scolded, before sighing and levitating up to the boy, "Hi, I'm Me'gaan, but you can call me Megan." She said in a friendly tone, Jason levitated up too, and met her height.

"Jason, Jason Grace." He said, holding his hand out to her to shake, which she took eagerly. Wally stepped up then,

"So Jason, any idea what we're meant to be doing? Because monitoring you is a pretty vague instruction."

Jason shrugged, "I mean, you could always just let me go?" Jason suggested. Kaldur shook his head,

"Well, I suppose the best option is to just make sure you stay in the base." Kaldur said, his voice was firm, no room for argument, Jason groaned,

"Fine, but I need a prism and a torch."



Jason was getting a little annoyed, he couldn't get a single moment alone to try an Iris Message, though honestly, he wasn't sure what good it would be anyway, he didn't have any Drachmas, and there was no iris here, so it probably wouldn't work even if he did have any time to do it.

Eventually, he'd had to give up and get some sleep, though it didn't feel like he needed it. He supposed that gods didn't really have any need for sleep, did they?

The next morning started early, he was used to the Camp Jupiter timetable after all, so at 4 am he headed to the kitchen, the prism and torch he'd discarded when he realized he wouldn't have time to use them were still there, so he grabbed them and made a small rainbow,

"Oh iris, goddess of the rainbow, I don't have any drachmas on my right now but I'll pay you back, please show me Nico Di Angelo." he murmured, but nothing happened, Jason sighed, he suspected that, he supposed, for a number of reasons.

He tried again, using a few variations before he finally had to stop when one of the members of the team who were watching him walked in. This one was about his age, his costume had a yellow birdlike symbol in a circle.

"Morning." he muttered from the dark kitchen, the hero seemed startled that someone was awake at this time, but when the light's were on, the hero relaxed,

"What are you doing?" He asked, his voice filled with curiosity ad he approached Jason and the iris message set up,

"Trying to contact my friends." Jason replied, sighing quietly, the hero simply looked incredulous, well, as incredulous as he could look with a mask covering half his face,

"With a rainbow?" He asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm, Jason felt his cheeks heat,

"It's a lot more complicated than that." the son of Jupiter said defensively as he grabbed the torch and the prism and started to hurry out of the room, only for an odd machine like sound to echo through the cave,

"wait," the hero's voice called, and Jason turned for a moment, "Get used to that sound, it means someone's coming into the cave."

"Recognized, B-01."

Just like Kaldur, I am trying my best, so I hope you enjoyed!

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Luv Ya,


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