[5] Percy gets a taste of the Jason Grace Life

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Running on half a monster and 45 minutes of sleep and writing on my phone. If you find any mistakes please let me know.


Jason followed 'Batman' through 'The Watchtower', the son of Jupiter couldn't help but think it was all it but surreal.

Maybe there was something like this in his world, he didn't really get out enough to know, but he didn't think so.

Batman stopped at a large metal contraption and Jason stalled,

"That looks like a death trap." Jason said, looking at it with mild horror,

Batman grunted, "It's a Zeta Tube." He said, as if that explained anything, "We just need a drop of your DNA and we can get you a designation." Batman held up a needle and Jason winced,

"Is there anyway to do it without my blood?" He asked, he had a feeling that this man finding out he had Ichor for blood would not bode well.

Batman shook his head, "Afraid of needles?" Jason sighed, pulled out his Gladius and poked a pinprick into his finger.

He could just sense Batman giving him a concerned look, but he figured this was less concerning than breaking Batman's needle and having to do it anyway,

Batman's eyes widened as he saw Jason's gold blood, but didn't comment on it, Jason simply put a drop of Ichor onto the pad and the two of them stepped into it.

"Recognized D-100, Z-01"



Percy no longer liked Blüdhaven.

Three people had tried to mug him so far, not that any of them had succeeded, of course, but he'd been shot twice and he was beginning to think he might have to ditch the Camp Half-blood shirt and walk around shirtless.

Percy sighed and slipped into an alley, he'd been slowly making his way towards the sea, stopping every few streets over to beat up a mugger or two.

Percy had no idea where Jason and Nico were, this was a whole world, they could literally be anywhere, he figured he would find Atlantis first then work on finding them from his father's palace, where he'd be at his most powerful.

Percy shot up from where he was leaning against a wall, and peered down the alley, where a large figure seemed to be approaching him, Percy narrowed his eyes, he was not in the mood.

Percy pushed up off the wall and stood a little in from the mouth of the alley, his stance loose, but ready.

The figure came into the light and Percy saw it was a huge man who was built like a brick, he had white hair, and if Percy wasn't literally immortal he'd probably be a little threatened

"Are you lost, little boy?" The figure grunted and cracked his knuckles, Percy narrowed his eyes,

"Who are you calling little?" Percy asked pulling Riptide out, but leaving the cap on for now, the man scowled and took a great step forward, his footfall echoing in the alley,

"You'd better-" The Brick-like man was interrupted by a blur of black and blue dropping in between Percy and the man,

"Brick." the blur, who was now clearly a man of about Percy's age dressed in some kind of Blue and Black skin-tight suit with a bird emblem on the chest, said.

"Wait- his name is actually Brick?" Percy asked with a snort,

The Blue Bird guy didn't even acknowledge Percy, and instead kept talking to Brick,

"You're a long way from Star City, to what do I owe the pleasure?" He asked with a crooked grin, Percy decided he liked this guy, probably one of the people his kidnapper had talked about, the ones that used their skills to help others.

Brick just stared at the blue guy and laughed, "I'd forgotten the Bat's little birdie was operating on his own now." He took a step forward, and to his credit, the blue guy didn't flinch, "I don't think you'll be much a threat to me, Nightwing."

Percy raised a brow, what on earth was he witnessing?

"Well i hope to surprise you then." Blue guy, Nightwing, he supposed, replied, then charged.

Percy had to admit he was impressed, Brick didn't have time to react before Nightwing was flipping over him and using the momentum to slam him into the ground. Percy clapped, leaning against the wall and holding Riptide loosely in case things started to look ugly.

Brick looked up at him with a murderous look and Percy's smile dropped,

"Uh oh." he muttered, scrambling off the wall to dodge Brick's bull like charge, Nightwing grabbed the back of Brick's shirt and kicked his legs out from under him, only the large man caught himself on a wall and sent Nightwing flying into a wall.

Brick turned to Percy then and grabbed him by the throat, smashing him over the head with a giant fist.

Ouch, being hit over the head by Brick hurt... was this how Jason lived?

Poor guy.

Percy scowled and shoved Brick away, his supernatural strength easily overpowering Brick's. Brick grunted and threw a punch, but Percy ducked under it and threw a quick punch to his throat, incapacitating him quickly.

Once he was down, Percy rushed over to Nightwing, "Buddy? You okay?"

Nightwing just snorted, "Buddy? Yeah, I'm fine, Pal." The Blue and Black clad man looked up at him,

"You beat up Brick." he said, seeming a bit dumbfounded,

"What, like it's hard?" Percy asked, waiting for some kind reaction to his reference, but Nightwing just stared, Percy narrowed his eyes, "Have you not watched Legally Blonde? Do you not have it here?"

Nightwing just blinked, "I don't know what Legally blonde is, but you shouldn't have been able to over power Brick, he's a meta."

Percy put us hand on his hip and raised an eyebrow, "Maybe I'm a... meta thingy too..."

Nightwing gave him a blank look, "You don't know what a Meta is, do you?" Percy smirked,

"What is it?" Percy asked, leaning against the wall behind him and fidgeting with Riptide,

Nightwing appeared to completely ignore his question, "You're not from around here, are you?" the hero asked, the whites of his mask somehow narrowing as if he was narrowing his eyes at Percy,

"I'm from out of town." he said in a non-committal way, Nightwing stepped closer,

"No, it's something else... another earth, maybe?" Nightwing seemed to be thinking to himself out loud, Percy stood there, frozen.

He didn't think it was a good idea to be honest, though the Black and Blue crime fighter seemed trustworthy, Percy had been fooled enough to know that people were rarely ever just what they seemed, so when Nightwing next turned to ask him a question, he was already gone.


Trying to write Percy and Dick interacting when I've been writing them as the same person for months is really hard.

So maybe you could like or comment on the chapter if you think I did okay, or follow me if you like my writing!

Luv Ya,


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