[2] A whole new world

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I don't think I'll be doing ships in this book but I'm absolutely willing to write in any ship someone tells me too, let me know.



Percy was getting sick of falling. His entire insides felt bunched up in his throat and the air rushing past him was noisy. It was just an uncomfortable feeling, and Percy wanted it to end as soon as possible.

That said, the consequent face plant onto a sidewalk was not anymore pleasant.

Percy stood up and brushed himself off, sighing and cursing the gods under his breath, here he was, gods know where in an alternate dimension, his friends were nowhere to be found and he wasn't feeling very Godly at all.

He was feeling disgustingly, unnervingly mortal- is that a flying man?

Percy narrowed his eyes, and to his surprise, he could easily see far enough to know that yes, that was a man, flying through the air, a red cape rippling after him.

What is this place?

Percy sighed and went in the direction the oddly dressed man had gone, accidentally making a fire hydrant blow as he passed. In his mind it made perfect sense, that man could fly, Jason could fly, maybe he would find Jason wherever this man had gone.

Percy eventually ended up in a rubble filled street, the place looked like a Drakon had come barrelling through, looking up, Percy could see the Flying dude talking with a blond-


Percy took off at a run, having no idea how to get up to where the two of them were but definitely wanting to try. Percy focused as he ran and with a tug in his gut, the water in the air condensed and catapulted him towards Jason and the unidentified flying person. Only, he hadn't factored in the huge difference between his power as a demigod and his power as a god, nor had he planned what he was going to do once he was in the air.

So he simply flew, straight past Jason and the man, and then onwards for a few miles before he crashed right into the sea.

Even as a demigod Percy had instantly felt more powerful upon coming into contact with the sea, but here, in a sea that was technically his domain, he felt power on a whole new level. The kind of power that made his feats in Tartarus feel like a baby's first steps.

Percy took a deep breath, and sighed, he could feel every current, all over the globe, and he could sense life all around him, it was overwhelming, but pretty awesome. Percy let himself sink down in the calm waters, kicking up a small cloud of sand when he hit the seabed. He'd disturbed a small crab, and the crab just looked up at him, not saying anything, but somehow just conveying respect, before shuffling off.

Percy looked up as he felt a seagull come into contact with the water far above, he could easily tell it had just eaten, though he didn't know how he knew that. This could help him, he could feel every single droplet of water everywhere, and while that would certainly take some getting used to, it would make finding Jason and Nico much easier. So Percy took off, propelling himself through the water. He wavered a bit, ok, a lot, and at one point he crashed headfirst into a rock, but he managed to get the hang of it eventually.

Until he got to the beach, that is, and the power that would have been Gaia's slammed into him like a truck, and all he saw was darkness.



Nico and Jason had arrived in the new world together, Jason had grabbed Nico's hand as they fell and flew him to safety, before disappearing off to look for Percy. Now Nico was left on the roof of a random building, trying to strain his suddenly very good eyes to see what on earth Jason was doing flying around in the air like a lunatic.

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