[9] Jason Todd needs a Snickers rn fr

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Y'all remember when I said updates every other Tuesday? Yeah, there's no way that's happening.


"Listen Up, Mortal" Nico said in annoyance, "I'm just trying to do my job here, if you wanted to be alive, then you shouldn't have died in the first place."

"How dare you-" The man looked like he was about to lunge before the ginger one burst into the room, still shirtless,

"Jason! Bats is at the door!"


Bruce couldn't of picked a worse time to show up at the safehouse. Jason sighed and stepped round the short angry boy who apparently wanted to kill him and strode towards the front door, admittedly enjoying the annoyance his uninvited guest was practically oozing at being ignored.

Jason didn't make it to the door before it swung open. Bruce's eyes swept over the apartment, fixing on the grim reaper wannabe for a moment. If Jason hadn't been trained by him, he never would have noticed the flicker of surprise in Bruce's eyes.

Bruce stepped forward again and returned his attention to Jason, "I need you to attack mount Justice." He said plainly.

Jason blinked, then blinked again, "What?" there was a stranger right there, not to mention the fact that why on earth would he attack mount justice?

"They need training." Bruce's eyes flicked over to the black haired boy, then back to Jason and Roy, Jason shifted his weight from one foot to the other and crossed his arms,

"So you want us to attack them?" Bruce simply nodded, Jason scowled, "Fine, but I want Dickhead to stop showing up at our safehouses unannounced." Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose, something Jason had seen him do as long as he'd known him,

"Fine." Bruce crossed his arms and looked over at the black haired boy who seemed to be at a loss,

"And I want him out of the safehouse too, I think he's trying to kill me or whatever." Jason added, He glared at the small boy, the small boy glared back.

"I'm not leaving until I do my fucking job, you're not you when you're hungry, have a snickers, get over it." He said crossing his arms, as if that made any sense,

"What the fuck is a snickers?" the boy frowned and glanced at Roy and Bruce, as if to check if it wasn't just Jason missing the joke. Jason never missed jokes! He watched every stupid TikTok Dick sent him just to make sure he understood every joke there was.

Bruce just looked at him for moment, probably doing some weird bat analysis that he would then use to make files and back up plans and all the other things that paranoid man thought was necessary.

"What if I told you I knew the location of Jason Grace?"



It was nice weather at camp half-blood, Mr D. had of course ensured sun for the whole of summer (well, unless a camper happened to annoy him) and on this particular day in late august, the strawberry fields were alive with younger campers. Sounds of chatting, laughing and playing filled the air, and as Rachel stood on the porch of the big house, she could see past the rolling strawberry fields, growing mass of cabins and shimmering sand of the beach. The horizon, far in the distance was flat, level, like someone had smoothed it out with a palette knife, it was hard not to imagine the best way to paint what she was seeing right now, but Rachel had other issues at hand.

She was annoyed, that's for sure, Perseus Jackson was literally nowhere to be found. The gods had sent him on another quest, but they refused to tell anyone where.

She thought maybe Annabeth would know, but she refused to talk about it, which probably made sense, the daughter of Athena had just become a Goddess and lost the most important person in her life.

But she really needed to talk to Percy right now.

She was close to giving up, three children of the big three had been sent on a quest together and nobody but the gods knew where, though the gods refused to tell anyone, she'd even asked the other two children of the big three, but they'd been just as clueless as everyone else. Who else was there?

She sighed, and "Chiron." She greeted, a nervous smile on her face as she sat across from the immortal centaur.

"Rachel, my dear, what can I do for you?" He asked with a warm smile, Rachel licked her lips and sighed,

"Will and I were talking earlier, he asked about Nico or something and..." Rachel sighed and took a deep breath, attempting to gather her scattered thoughts, this was the last thing she needed, "There's another prophesy, and... i don't know what it is about it, it feels big."

Chiron's smile fell and he stood, "That's not good news" he mumbled, "What was the prophesy?" Rachel took a deep breath,

"In Realms Unknown, where oceans tread,
Heroes rise, where once they bled
Through echoes vast, an explosions might
the silent dead, earth's quiet night."

Chiron standing up didn't last long, and since she was now the only one standing, Rachel quickly sat too.

"Earth. Gaia." Mr D. grunted, Rachel hadn't even known he was awake, actually, considering how he was slumped in his chair right now, he probably wasn't awake.

"That is something we should consider, you're right." Chiron mumbled, stroking his chin in a way Rachel thought only happened in cartoons, "Though trying to analyse a prophesy is never a good idea, we should know this after-"

"It's about Percy." Rachel cut him off, though she faltered for a moment when Chiron's eyes widened. Mr D sat up too, in less than a second he was staring at the oracle with a more intense gaze than she had ever seen on him. She cleared her throat nervously, "Uh, the ocean? I guess it's about where he is."

"You shouldn't concern yourself with Johnson." Mr D muttered, Chiron turned to him with a look of shock,

"You promised me you didn't know where he was." the centaur said, sounding pissed. Rachel had heard stories of the overprotective father figure Chiron could become, but she'd never thought they had any substance until now.

"Mr D do you know where Percy is? Nico and Jason too?" Rachel asked, leaning forward in her seat. Mr D only grunted, which he seemed to do a lot, and slumped back down as if he was going to sleep.

Rachel scowled, "Fine, I'll find them myself."


What if I told you I completely forgot Wattpad existed again?

If you want me to remember to update my fics you should definitely vote, comment and maybe even follow me?

Thanks for being so patient anyway.

Luv Ya,


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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