[8] Percy gets a teensy bit confused (As per usual)

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I'm being purposely vague about Annabeth because i don't really like Book Annabeth, I only like Show Annabeth, but ik some people feel other ways so it's up to you how you see her when you read.

Dick hadn't met the guy they were keeping in the cave yet, Bruce had told him about him, but he hadn't had the chance to head over to the cave and deal with it.

But now was his chance, he needed to head over there anyway to supervise training, so it was worth getting to know Jason while he was there.

"Recognized, B-01." the computerized voice called out as he entered the cave, only to get barreled over by his best friend, Wally.

"Hey man," Wally greeted as he released Dick, Dick grinned,

"Hey Walls." the two didn't have the chance to say much more when Bart sped into the room, followed shortly by Tim, who had an argument with Bruce and was staying in the cave to sulk, and then the rest of the team, including Jason Grace.

He was standing closest to Tim, so either they'd just been together before he arrived, or he trusted Tim the most.

"Sorry if anyone was still sleeping." He said, his voice not sounding very sorry.

"We were actually all getting up, we have training," Wally said, and Dick nodded,

"You do." He confirmed, and everyone scattered.

Jason looked a bit confused, so Dick approached him, taking the time to measure out his stance and asses him. He was at ease, but still in a loose stance. His straight back and squared shoulders insinuated some kind of soldier experience, but this kid was probably in between Jason and Tim in age, how could he have been a soldier?

"You're Jason, Right?" Dick asked in a friendly tone, once he got a nod of confirmation, he continued, "I'm Nightwing, how about you come watch us train and if there's someone you want to have a go against just let us know."

Bruce had explained his theory to Dick before he arrived here, Jason was a new meta, clearly not very used to his powers, probably because they're new, and apparently Jason had mentioned being raised by wolves? It seemed like the boy just needed guidance, so Bruce had asked Dick to watch out for him and maybe nudge him towards joining the team, he was really god damn powerful.

"Sure." Jason said, his eyes churning like the storm that had been brewing in the sky about for the past few hours.

Dick lead the blonde towards the training room, where everyone was now standing in their gear, Jason's eyes seemed to light up at the training room,

"Woah, this is a heck of a lot better than the deck of the Argo II." He muttered, which Dick wouldn't have actually known had Conner not asked,

"What's the Argo II?" Cassie's head perked up and she rushed over,

"The Argo? Like the one from Myth?" she asked, Jason nodded, and Cassie grinned, "Oh! I get it! Jason and the Argonauts!" Jason nodded again,

"My super talented friend built it, Leo-" Jason trailed off, wincing.

Dick could guess what had happened to Leo, "Was it a ship then?" Dick asked, wondering what on earth this teenager had been doing on a ship,

Jason nodded, and gave a small smile that seemed a little forced, "Yeah, we took it from the US all the way to Greece." He said, a few people seemed impressed, but Dick just nodded,

"Alright, Pair off and warm up." Dick called out, directing Jason towards Cassie who seemed very eager to ask him more questions about the Argo II.

Dick watched carefully and eventually began the training, it was as per usual, the more experienced fighters yelling advice from the side-lines while whoever was in the ring fought, and it stayed the same as always until Jason stepped up to Dick, and said with confidence,

"I want to fight you, Nightwing."


Atlantis was not what Percy had expected.

Where he had expected ruins of his fathers great castle, he had found a bustling underwater city, vibrant, lively, and very much not abandoned.

So he swam through the city, looking like a bewildered tourist as he took in the sights, what on earth was this place?

Percy sighed and leant against the wall in a small marked area he had come across, the sound of merpeople calling out from the stalls carried well through the water, but was overcome by the chatter and buzz of conversation.

Percy watched the crowd. Living in such a busy city, with a lot of time to kill and few friends, Percy had been a dedicated People-Watcher, and he took that up now, hoping that it would teach him how to navigate this unfamiliar world.

But Percy was tired, the son of Poseidon hadn't slept since he came to this world, and despite being a god, he wasn't quite used to it yet, so it showed, and when Percy caught a glimpse of the Curls he knew so well, his eyes widened and he pushed off the wall,

"Annabeth-" he started to call out, but he stopped himself, it wasn't her, she was in his world, she was a goddess on Olympus, she was happy.

And he was here, thinking about her.

Percy shook the thought away, he didn't have time to miss her, he thought he could operate from here, but clearly this world had filled Poseidon's absence with a culture that wasn't in Percy's world, so it wouldn't be safe to work from here, he'd have to find somewhere else.

Percy sighed and began swimming through the narrow winding streets, not once getting lost. Until, that is, he was too busy looking up at the palace he could see between two of the towering buildings, and crashed right into someone.

Not just anyone, he looked official, like a Palace Guard or something,

"Careful." He grunted, then turned away, Percy breathed a sigh of relief and kept swimming, turning the corner and leaning against the wall, pulling his hand out of his pocket and observing the key he had won himself.


Shorter chapter than usual, but i made sure it's still at least 1000 words.

Updates will hopefully be every other tuesday (If i can be bothered) but I've run out of prewritten chapters now so don't hold me to that.

If you're excited for next update maybe consider voting, Commenting or following me?

Luv Ya,


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