[3] Batman needs an aspirin

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Robin could tell his father was displeased. Even Brown seemed to have noticed his poor mood, and she was practically blind when it came to reading people's mood.

The members of the family who lived in the manor wisely avoided the cave, where Bruce was trailing through hours of security footage of downtown Metropolis, muttering things about a 'Percy', 'Jason' and 'dark haired disappearing boy'.

Suffice to say, Damian was not impressed, he was, of course, a fan of hard work, but his father hadn't even involved Gordon, who, though nobody would dare admit had a far better setup than the batcave could ever dream of. It was bordering on insanity.

Still, Damian steered clear of his father, he hadn't been at Wayne Manor very long, and despite his outwardly stuck up attitude, he was wary that he needed to be accepted here to please his mother, so he was trying his best to keep his head down.

Only, apparently Todd hadn't got the message to keep away from the Brooding dark knight, and when he came bursting in to the manor uninvited as he did every few weeks, Bruce seemed to be on a very important call, that the fool decided to interrupt.

"We have him in custody?" Bruce's voice rung out from the study where he was pacing, pinching the bridge of his nose in that classic Bruce way, "Ok, thank you, Clark, tell Dinah I'll-"

"Hey pops," Todd greeted, strolling into the study, Damian paused as he was walking past and watched from the doorway, "Are you talking to your boyfriend?"

Bruce scowled, "Jason, I'm on a very important call-" Bruce started before he was interrupted,

"Aww, really? I just wanted to spend some quality time with my dear old dad." Todd teased, inviting himself to sit down at Bruce's desk chair. Damian raised an eyebrow, not impressed with the undead oxygen waster's blatant disrespect.

"Jason-" Bruce started in a warning tone before stopping and shaking his head, leaving through the Grandather clock and into the cave without another word.

Damian's eyes widened in surprise at how easily Bruce had given up, Todd smirked from where he was sat in the chair, "That's how you do it." the older boy said as he rifled through the dark knights drawers and took out a wad of 10 dollar bills.

Damian narrowed his eyes, but didn't stop him, "Father will hear about this." he muttered as he stalked off down the hall, Todd's call of, "Whatever you say Draco Malfoy!" following him.

Damian rolled his eyes, he didn't know who Draco Malloy was, but clearly it must be someone quite impressive if he had been compared to Damian.


Bruce kept a scowl on his face as he walked through the watchtower towards the interrogation room that Dinah and their captive was currently in.

He stood next to Clark, arms crossed and watching what was going on inside the room through the two way mirror, "Any progress?" Bruce asked, all business, However Bruce could see the smile Clark hid at the sight of the caped crusader.

"He hasn't even spoken." Clark said, Bruce sighed, though Dinah was talking, the Blonde haired boy seemed stubbornly silent. Bruce nodded in understanding and opened the door to the small room, "BC, i'll take it from here." he said in a commanding tone, the boy looked up, and Bruce finally got a proper look at the teen who had gone toe to toe with Superman.

He was young, that's what hit Bruce first, maybe about 15 or 16. His eyes drew Bruce's attention next, they were sky blue, which wasn't interesting in itself, but what was interesting was the way they seemed to crackle with electricity. Bruce couldn't help but think of how in Diana's report she described him seeming to have pretty much the same powers as her, including control of lightning.

Bruce cleared his throat and took the seat Dinah had just vacated, "i don't know what Black Canary said to you, but i'm sure she made it clear that we just want to help."

The boy sighed and look up, "Yeah, she said that." he said impatiently, his voice was filled with the kind of power that made him seem a little overly sure of himself, but Bruce reminded himself that this was a boy in his mid teens, and to think of him as if it was one of his own children,

"What's your name?" he asked, his voice not exactly soft, but certainly more patient and less harsh than he had used in a while.

The boy narrowed his eyes, "Jason." Jason said, watching Bruce carefully. The dark knight twitched a little at the name, it would be even easier to imagine this boy as one of his own children, it seemed,

"Jason what?" He pressed, knowing Dinah would input it into the database as soon as it was said and they could find out who this boy really was,

"Jason Grace." He said, narrowing his eyes, "Why do you want to know?" Bruce sighed,

"We just want to know a little more information about you, that's all." Bruce explained, and without giving Jason another chance to protest, he pressed on, "Do you know anyone by the name of Percy?"

Jason perked up at that, "Perce? Did you find him, is he okay? Where is he?" Jason asked, Bruce put a hand up,

"We don't know where he is, I just heard your other friend talking about him." Bruce said with a sigh, Jason deflated then perked back up,

"Nico? Where's he?" Jason asked, seeming hopeful, Bruce winced,

"He disappeared, like just melted into shadow." He put a hand across from Jason on the table, being careful not to touch in case that was something he didn't like, to the Bat's surprise, Jason just laughed,

"He shadow travelled, either to his dad's place or mine, hopefully Percy can work out a way to meet him there." Jason said, smiling slightly.

"Shadow Travelled? Does your friend Nico have abilities too? Where did you get them?" Bruce was determined to get the answers he needed from this boy, but Jason just shrugged,

"We just have them, always have, always will." he said in a vague way, Bruce scowled but didn't get a word in before Jason said, "Who are you anyway?"

Bruce blinked, he was a little dumbfounded, "I'm Batman. The Caped Crusader, the dark Knight, the world's greatest detective-" Bruce stopped himself because it was beginning to sound boasting, "Have you been living under a rock?"

Jason shrugged, "I mean i was raised by wolves so yeah, close enough."

Bruce blinked, then blinked again, everything coming out this kid's mouth just got weirder and weirder.

"Can i go now, i gotta find Percy and Nico, we've got some voting to do." Jason asked, looking at the door longingly.

Bruce shook his head, deciding to ignore that last comment, he replied, "Sorry, we can't just let you leave, but we'd be willing to let you stay somewhere other than a cell if you let yourself be monitored."

Jason shrugged, "Uh, deal, i guess." he said, seeming a little confused.

Bruce nodded and stood up, "Well then, let's get you to Mount Justice."


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