[7] Badly timed entrances are a Batfamily specialty

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Nico sighed as he shadow travelled back into Gotham.

Why were there so many problems to solve in this city?

Most of the people who had been revived by the Lazarus pit had been hiding in Gotham since they heard about Lazarus pit users going missing, not that it would help them, of course, from his throne, because it was his throne now, he could sense the location of every single one of them, anywhere in the world.

Nico strode into the dark apartment building, the lights seemed to be off despite there being few windows and the city being gloomy as usual, not that Nico minded the dark, he felt right at home in it.

Apartment 3b, Nico smirked and stepped into the shadow opposite to the door, reappearing on just the other side of the door.

The apartment was less embarrassing than he expected it to be, someone had clearly at least attempted to keep it in good shape.

It was fairly plain, but neat. There was a small stack of clean plates by the sink, as if waiting to be dried, there were few photos, but Nico saw a couple on a side board, they were quite clearly the photos that came with the frames, but he'd spent the past two days straight hunting criminal lowlifes who should be dead, so he'd already seen that trick used.

Nico sighed and walked slowly through the small apartment, his steps silent without him even trying.

There was that sort of annoying sound of short snippets of music and talking that Nico had come to understand was people on their phones, so he slowly swung open the door.

To his credit, the man looked up instantly, Nico had to remind himself to breathe, he was shirtless, muscled and shirtless.

Nico shook his head to shake away the thought and forced himself to focus on the man's face, except something was wrong, this wasn't the target, he had no magical residue on him and was very much fully alive.

All in that second of realization for Nico, the man had pulled out a bow from gods know where and aimed it at him, Nico's heart clenched at the thought of his lost sister, but he shook that away too and narrowed his eyes,

"You're aren't dead." The man looked horrified, justifiably, honestly,

"No! Of course I'm not! Who are you?" He drew the string on the bow back, but Nico just sighed and threw his hands up in annoyance,

"Well, do you have a roommate? I definitely sensed something here." the man narrowed his eyes, but Nico saw a glimmer in them that showed he'd worked out exactly what the son of Hades was talking about.

"No, I don't have a-" The man was cut off by the sound of the front door opening,

"Hey! Roy! I think I got stabbed!"


Roy hated Gotham. Roy really hated Gotham. There was this freak in their safe house, which sucked, because this safe house was literally the best, two bedroom, nice old lady next door, dirt cheap rent, and now it was compromised.

Then it became clear that he was some sort of Meta, and was looking for Jason, which was even more of a problem, and then right when Roy was about to lie and save Jason's ass, he came bursting into the apartment yelling about it.

Roy sighed and stood up, dropping his bow and starting to walk out his room to where Jason was probably currently bleeding out, but the guy put out a hand that stopped him.

Roy was a little shocked at just how cold his hand was on the Archers bare chest,

"Don't bother, You're friend has already been marked for death." The guy said, not looking at Roy, but the threat was there.

Still, Roy shook him off and went to help Jason, well aware that the uninvited guest was following him.

Jason looked up when the two entered, he was, sure enough, bleeding out on the white carpet that was no longer white. Stupid vigilante mess.

Roy crouched down next to his friend and lifted his shirt to inspect the wound, it was shallow, but still bad enough that it needed to be dealt with.

Jason didn't seem to notice the other presence in the room, only greeting Roy when he sat the vigilante up against the couch,

"I said don't bother." the guy said, sitting himself on the kitchen counter as he watched Roy clean the wound, "He's already dead, I'm just here to fix a mistake."

Roy gave him a glare, "Shut up. Who even are you?"

"Nico." The guy, Nico, said as if that explained everything. Roy scowled, but was more concerned with helping Jason than arguing with some stranger who fancied himself a budget Grim Reaper.

"Whatever." Roy muttered as he went back to cleaning Jason's wound.



Nico hadn't been sure what to think as he watched the still shirtless man clean his target's wound. This was the exact opposite of what was supposed to be happening, yet Nico hadn't been able to bring himself to get up. Maybe it was because of some profound reason, though it was probably because this was the first time he'd sat down since sitting on his throne two days ago.

Now though, he was still sitting on the kitchen counter 3 hours later, and he realized that yes, he was exhausted, mentally, physically, emotionally, just tired in every way.

Nico finally managed to make himself get up, he silently walked through the apartment to find that Roy, the one who was meant to be alive, was sitting in his phone in bed again, still shirtless, and his target, who he did not know the name off, was in another one of the bedrooms, watching something on a battered old laptop.

Nico pushed open the door, his target reacted faster than Roy did, pulling out a gun and aiming it at Nico, the son of Hades didn't even flinch,

"That won't do you any good." he said quietly, "You've received extra time that you shouldn't have, I'm here to put it right."

The man in front of Nico narrowed his eyes and adjusted the aim of the gun a little, "I know you think that I won't shoot, but you're threatening to kill me, and I won't hesitate."

"I don't care." Nico said simply, shrugging, "Listen, You're dead, there's no changing that, and the underworld has been lax on enforcing those rules for quite some time, but I'm here to make sure that the lack of control doesn't fracture existence."

His target didn't seem to take any of that on board, so Nico sighed, "Just accept that you're dead."

The man stood up, putting his laptop off to the side and striding over to Nico. He was taller, and Nico tilted his head back to meet the man's glare,

"I don't know what you think you can do, but I am not letting you kill me." He said through gritted teeth, as if holding himself back, Nico simply crossed his arms,

"Listen Up, Mortal" Nico said in annoyance, "I'm just trying to do my job here, if you wanted to be alive, then you shouldn't have died in the first place."

"How dare you-" The man looked like he was about to lunge before the ginger one burst into the room, still shirtless, 

"Jason! Bats is at the door!"


I have so many ideas for this story!!!

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Luv Ya,


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