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Zen's P.O.V

I knew papa he was once a cop a gentle man that mama knew about him my mother's name is Sofie we are a perfect family since he tracked down werewolves for a living known as a hunter on his spare time never mingle with strangers from the pub he always go home to me and mama but since she got ill and im alone papa wasnt around i grew worried my 6th sense just awakened and other people wanna used me or what they thought gifted kids like us had to be executed i killed the entire fleet by locking me up alone nothing there but my stuffed wolf that papa gave me on my 6 year old body now im already 27 years old time flies.

I knew the howls from greyback alphas nearby they always had territorial wars in between land between lakes where humans are curious about their situation they got too close and encounter some of their species that killed them too but i never spared anyone at all i waited for papa all this years inside the facility but then i grew up so strong i destroyed their unit that hold me 10 years ago attempt to escape from the facilty that feed me nothing but decipline my senses are too wild than being human im far gone being normal.

Soon he came a barefooted muscle man his thick beard "baby its me zen can you hear me its me papa its okay i never hurt you look grey turned me i know we had same curse but glad its you"

I shook my head in disgust by first he took off his pants and underwear "i guess one thing to recognized me is by scent huh okay check me up head to toe baby its me you know my eyes now"

From blue to yellow he show fangs to me his human penis is still erect "such a beautiful fur baby its okay its me papa" as he embraced me tightly i gave him a whimper "papa why you leave me?"

"Im so sorry baby im here now well i guess during full moon i locked myself in the cedar in ages i guess its time to search you instead and i know you dig a biggest cave in here a mutant wolf bigger than two burger joints in town still a smart one and even your not human anymore its fine i love you anyway forgive me i guess they mixed you with some wolf dna in you?"

"I dont know they said they can cure my flu but they didnt they enhanced me so much i cant control my body"

"Then let me be your aid to take care of you this time fuck i lost track on where that damn rogue alpha did this to me i cant hold a gun or two for so long at night its okay we are together now now let me removed that damn old steel leash from your neck there you go" as he released me from it.

He gave me cuddles like old times since my sight is clearer like him he knew when i blink twice i had cat eyes now when full moon had risen he was on the back of the tree to steady himself since it was excruciating to be a werewolf as he dropped in fours next to me "your home is my home now im afraid this fucked up curse is on me i need somebody to breed in"

"Enter me papa so we can have more puppies hows that?" As he smiled and licked me "why not after all your my son through my strong scent i knew your sweet scent baby its okay your not alone anymore so hmm still have bit human inside you right?" I wagged my tail after he was done having sex with me "i sought you instead since well encountering a massive wolf that was like two burger joint restaurant bigger than a cabin home well caves are better on massive species that wants to be alone feels so good its okay just me only"

Now he noticed it was day time he was back being naked now he woke up seeing me not in a massive wolf form but same size as he was "yup i knew its you okay in this state we gonna hunt in human mode its okay im not welcome in other packs so"

"You had more scars papa they exiled you alot of times since you tracked his entire pack by yourself?"

"I know i went too far its just i hate werewolves now im one of them also being hunted like others i knew im too late they made a chimera out of my own son forgive me this is not i wanted at all im so sorry zen i really do forgive me baby your the only one can understand me better well my body is all yours to offer i guess you only recognized me on my wolf state are you?"

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