the wild side

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Zen's P.O.V

I knew the woods alot and so does papa he knew our territory making sure our litter are away from the claws of other hungry predatory species i had to guard them all as papa had to hunt he knew im growing thinner from being milked from our litter.

"Here baby you had to eat im alarmed they also drained you out i had to move them to others since my baby needs some space and privacy with me here take all my cum baby take it" as he said to me i sucked it so much papa was in fours moaning at me "fuck yes baby tell papa what to do now feels so good i cant leave you here alone anymore im getting worried about you alot mama"

It feels so good papa is busy restoring me back to normal with his body i got up again now same as him as he stand up now sitting in the table with an empty bowl i had to pour him some good rabbit soup that packs love to eat still we had same wolf eyes together he smiled at me "well i guess your getting better baby atleast im the one can tame you back to normal its okay baby im all here if you need anything from me its fine no calls just being back to old fashioned pack thing nothing much cause i knew my baby is extremely hungry all the time"

"I made sure you wont be chained papa mark my words" as he cuddled me in our nest he made "im fine baby i guess you had trauma with humans before now im here its okay its me papa still recognized me darling?"

I nodded at him "fuck me papa cant control my body im going haywire" as i said to him "just let me adjust you honey its gonna be okay just relax with me and close your eyes fuck your still hot zen very hot fuck baby"

"Oh yes enter me papa fuck nice flat human feet you had" as he kissed me "to  tease you bit more baby feels so good im preventing the nine tails getting out of control thats why im binding you with my own body since you cant take it anymore feels so good must breed like crazy fuck im still a wild animal like you and i cant leave you alone in here anymore"

"Im always with you papa okay stop worrying so much" as he sighed "i still do baby its gonna be okay im here its been ages since i was turned by grey and it wasnt funny at all it was more painful than ever i thought i never see you in one of the caves that which was in the heart of this cursed woods baby cause my instincts tell me where to find a massive werewolf living inside without a mate.. i never had guns so i made sure not to provoke you"

"Its okay i know your scent papa" he smiled at me "thats better honey i only smile with you even well about school"

"Forget it papa in my age its already history im not going back to grade school anymore"

"Fine in this burrow i will home school you with me cause its been ages i never see my poor son inside this burrow alone without me in it feels so good must breed your ass baby ah fuck i gonna cum inside you it feels so good to warm you again honey i promised you we wont be their pets anymore its gonna be alright i had enough separation anxiety without my poor son suffer as i was"

He still hugged me even in human form i licked him few times now showering him with my own saliva it made his penis so hard i knew he was on extreme heat as i was also "fuck baby yes more fuck i gonna cum so much its gonna be alright im here now your tongue its so rough its great time we had bond each other it pines me never see you again in here gladly i made it to you baby with all those fallen trees you made i guess your making a nest already for me"

"Get closer your getting your feet colder papa"as he did "i never leave without mama again not this time im going nuts since your the only family i had left" as he said to me "now your making sure i stay human with you"

"I had to your too dangerous around humans even being exposed yes suck my penis baby thats right papa had more instored for my poor baby boy feels so good i know how does it feel being experimented on others give me q heads up you managed to get out from the security breech"

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