the zoo

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Zen's P.O.V

I knew papa's fur body goes back to his naked humanself it was morning i fought alot of wrangglers to get all the pack out of harms way by ripping hunters and leaders who keep papa away from me he knew i snapped cause i am worried for his safety he hugged me few times caressed me again stroking my fur body back to its normal size as it was.

"My turn baby now suck it hard slowly i guess you had a very rough night to see me in that cage mama its okay just me now im showering with your doggie bath lick on me"

"Had to masked your scent those demon bears must have picked up your uniform before you hunt"

"That must be linked to the hunters knew where i hunt the fucking herd sorry mama i didnt make it hows the pups?"

"Very hungry before your gone they killed half the nest only these guys are left to defend with"

"Such inhuman mama oh god my poor babies and my mate too im sorry i cant hide bit longer"

"Its okay atleast your not stuffed papa" as he hugged me "yes baby im not but yes fuck feels so good to cum inside you my dear wife yes bloody fuck me harder"

As i did getting wild as he was he grunted few times inside till its over "feels so good thats one wild ride isnt it zen still you had the awesome sweet milk i ever taste it"

"Still you need it you got several broken ribs still staying in human form for few months means im taking you back to the burrow to take care of you okay that means no cop work for you mister"

"Yes baby sure i guess got your old mama's instinct about me being a werewolf now huh?"

"It is i knew you still had injury so more rest for you papa" as he sighed "as you wish baby sure thing now i had to follow your orders honey yes dear well you can fuck me what ever you asked me too honey since you always keep me at bay dont ya?"

"Always will be cause the meals for you for free eat while its fresh" he smell it few times then ate it the whole thing i knew he was still hungry since he was still in recover mode that means to heal his wolf state from further more injuries again.

"Fuck papa your hot even being naked and all still in heat?" He quickly nodded at me "time to breed baby here i go i made sure im gentle enough not to injure you much further honey so here we go okay im going inside you Zen tell me if we had enough"

"Just enter me quickly fuck thats one large hard penis" he grunted "i know for your sake baby its gonna be alright Zen hot fuck feels so good baby more fuck it is im fine i always obey baby on you that is telling me to hide all the time"

"Your not safe with hunters and human cops papa you will be easily killed instantly i just dont want that happened"

"I made sure you wont disappear baby i promise to keep you alive just dont leave me"

"Its a promise right well about you know as mates?" He smiled "yeah i know that well i guess i was over reacting about being alone i will go crazy without you and you know more of my curse if i dont fuck regularly fuck yes baby i will forget shoes now fuck honey your gonna make me more in heat cant hold it back must breed in extreme fuck i gonna cum Zen hot fuck its kicking my feral vibes"

"Are you there yet papa?" He grunted in fours now thrusting me inside our cage room "fuck yes honey more fuck cant think straight while in the heat zone fuck i gonna cum so much more fuck Zen bare with me i know your wings are weighing you so much"

"Im fine papa its okay your worried about my massive form got out of control someones going in here and smell of blood"

"Control baby its just one of the betas got injured dad your here?" As he smiled still from the fight he had with the rogues papa knew my scarlet eyes gramps isnt safe with us "stay in the room dad while i made sure to hold Zen back its fine we had more raw meat baby"

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