its always be a cursed night out

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Zen's P.O.V

Now im papa's personal bodyguard i knew he was targeted by hunters every time he hunts he runs away fast as he can cause i know hunting dogs also are trained to kill any werewolves in the village everyone is back in their own burrow especially ours was massive since we had more bigger pack inside he waited for me to laid more eggs inside he was also alert for any egg thieves who took our pups while inside their eggs "i guess time for mama given me a doggie bath lick time im all set zen fuck me with your warm tongue to mask my scent i cant hunt when humans release their hounds in the woods"

"Its all taken care of papa here it goes you like it hotter?" As he chuckled "yes till i cum so much fuck feels so good baby just dont stop i need you so bad baby" as he said to me he knew my body changing again as he found up in the night sky "ah shit here we go again hurry back to the burrow while we can i know its not safe to phase here"

"Im sorry its just happening so quickly now go behind the tree its your turn too" he feel same knot as me now in fours as he phased back to his massive wolf form now coming out next from the tree "okay now back to the burrow hows the wings coming out?" As he said to me "painful like goes the feet man so much hot pain already"

"Same here i guess we cant get out of this cursed woods since now im a werewolf too i guess last of our human kind before"

"Yeah but he turned you thats why i made sure i can feed you while i can still fly straight sometimes winds are unstable"

"Then its much quicker in fours mama and its a storm coming up tonight too and i got you so you wont be air stranded look we hold on to flying types like you since now the weathers not normal just stay low grounds for now its okay i got you my love"

"I made sure nobody took you away i feel weak now whats that?" As i said to him "it must be someone targeted more flying wolves like you since your causing blizzards so i got this just hang on zen papa got this"

"I cant open them anymore" as he struggled to keep me awake "come on open for me baby here herbs alternatives its the venom that also kills mates within seconds hunters must have used quill pins on any species that fly at night got them off yours there i had to use twizers to get them out its like piece of a needle that we cant see"

As alaric help him out "i know the alternatives but sure that pin bullet hits the spot and almost his heart stopped okay keep him busy we will get all the bad blood within seconds just keep him awake leon"

"Im trying come on baby anything for me just hold on tight just dont let go okay?" I nodded at him now he took the dark toxin one from my blood now he transfused papa's blood to me in few weeks im still back human but not for long again till another late night he was gone i asked others where he went.

"We found him being taken to a facility i guess trying out how many alphas they all rounded up gladly i escaped just to tell you"

"And you left him alone with others how could you be his wingman if you cant take care of papa damn it im after papa now they cant change my mind if anything happens to papa you will be fucking sorry for this!!" As i growled at him now im more stronger as i released a most wildest louder howl i mastered now flying in directions where papa was in phasing back and forth he was in his mid wolf state testing his human feet along with his wolf state i know its a torture in between i had enough till i heard his howl to me as i rammed more doors to get him out till i found the right room where he was in as i got in fours smelling him up growling testing the cages that had more strong currents.

In this state since he was guilty leaving papa he stayed in human form while others help me getting him out inch by inch to deactivate papa's live cage "they make me cumming dry i cant release anymore cum they said they will cut my balls if i dont produce more"

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