never out run a demonic wolf

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Zen's P.O.V

I helped papa out of shitty transistion now he knew i knot his ass after he breed me couple of times he was surprised i got in his ass i made sure i dont break him after what im doing to him we always eat raw meat some few veggies grown in the pack house on foot we took showers since he was scared that a werewolf gonna sneak him at bath time.

"I know your getting paranoid after that demon bear attacks i guess it got more trauma on mates like you"

"Yeah sure it is kinda scary a hybrid bear that you noticed so you meat part blood hound really?"

"Yes conducted inhumam bears mostly testing on criminals first injecting more splices of other animal species to form of a demonic bear only to end it since they cant turn back to humans like mostly dogmen do"

"Hmm right i guess sometimes bumping in few from the previous burrow we had i guess pups are growing bigger at that time"

"That lair is too small no room to grow thats why its about time since we had multple pups a year even in egg forms that is and quite heavy as a beer barrel inside"

"Okay honey its better to listen to a wise luna than going ahead wrecklessly are you sure others never test me out?"

"Yeah i promise to keep you alive yeah i failed to save you from greyback didnt i?"

"Atleast you tried yet i got back to you naked well in form of a half wolf that you mean"

"Yeah include the tail thats in your ass papa is it more painful after being bitten?" He nodded "yeah following nights he released me through letting me chased by his pack so im so fucking tired by then"

"I get it screaming makes them stirred up along with a fresh cut in the skin i knew his sick ritual i failed to save my own father now i gained a mate out of him"

"Yes you always help me to get rid all this cum huh do you?" As i nodded now still in bed as i sucked him few times while drinking few beers "fuck baby almost there im so proud and happy fuck feels so good im so gonna cum!!!"

As he did now twitching in heat "slowly papa you still need more rest now i guess drinking solo wont help do you want me make you cozy"

"You cooked so warm meals i guess i need a soup right still hot than usual just like im bitten in my naked form"

I knew hang overs since he took an entire case by himself now on really deep hang over i waited till he was healed up staying in bed for couple of weeks now he was in the bathroom alone throwing up.

"Im fine you shouldnt see whats inside man thats so much strong shit i forgot its for emergency use only god what i am thinking"

"Oh papa your overthink again here soup as you asked for drink it and its getting stale like the wild turkey" as i said to him "well i just fucked myself man no more beers for me at all what are you doing?"

"Locking it papa so you ain reaching any of them and you raid his lair without askin you know whos next to you" a dude tapping his feet was non other than the blond muscle guy "you should have ask not stealing cheif i guess your mate knows consequences now well we have a cage here for your tempoary detention that means no hunts for him today"

He sighed "oh dang it so means i have to pay 10 times my budget huh?" As i nodded at him "dont worry we can spend night together you know me we gonna get another house that doesnt have anyone inside okay i hate sharing pack houses with a creep here"

"Fine we will find another area that isnt infested with demon bears around baby" as he said to me "full moon in few weeks i can sense it i know when sharp pain follows your about to phase without me"

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