the cursed woods

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Zen's P.O.V

All they knew was the deserted village in the heart of the woods they are all wrong we all lived there but in the burrow most of the time papa knew me since anything happens to him i failed to saved him all over again his old screams woke me up till he howls again.

Now its my turn my old past began to haunt me as i roared from my deep sleep papa nuzzled his body next to me "its okay just a bad dream honey what do you still think separate room from a some sort of a big laboratory?"

I nodded at him "look i know you look shit when it comes to those well what happend before right and well when i see you like this inside the burrow its just i startled you dint i?"

"Its fine i knew your fully fledged before well to keep you at bay now your a werewolf just always hide okay?"

"Im trying but humans keep taking me back to their zoo prison so what you gonna do mama?"

"Stay with me i feel cold again please?" As he sighed "its okay im here mama papa made sure you wont be cold zen okay we got to go back to the cabin can you?"

"Yeah can resize at will so here it goes just to fit in the old house there we go well you dont mind im naked too?"

"Its fine we got clothes in stored honey no worries your beautiful when your back to normal except those eyes"

"Well get used to it cursed humans had to accept you and i are outsiders from humans mostly well your now a werewolf papa"

"I know i had to keep fertilized your vagina still have those eggs in you?" As he said to me "fuck me your in the right place to breed me right?" As he chuckled "ofcourse my queen well baby i know how to treat mates properly even after we had sex and its awesome your right still im a wild animal than a man i used to be but still im your father"

"Are you disgusted when knowing im altered as a female now?" As he sighed "i know i had to accept how they made male offsprings to females to breed with and yes it was a sick transhuman transformation still im aware and worried you will have periods after layng more pups a year"

"Its fine still your attractive though how was it feel being a werewolf?" As he sighed "i accepted it since Grey released me to find you inside a burrow did i startled you on full moon?"

"Well i dont do you see me why im in heat now its so way extreme as you know it"

"Yes i know your own vagina is getting hot i need to breed again inside you so more rounds mama well few because im about to hunt soon well did they tried insemination to you to produce eggs?"

"Actually i have them and your their daddy papa dont you see this drones you had where result of our breeding"

"Its fine they knew i still feed them so yeah sure hunt in packs i guess than being alone hunted down by humans so still with me honey?"

"Cant leave you alone okay so yeah sure into the woods papa your still A wild animal from those hunters to them your just a walking trophy for me its a mate will be in danger"

"Okay then we are in this together then baby so good we always breed like rabbits baby feels so good still papa releasing more cum again"

"Still you cant help it when your in heat?" As he chuckles and nodded "yes your right im a werewolf that always mama knows what the real me is sleeping inside besides you always liked to see my barefeet as always huh?"

"Look do packs wear shoes you know what happens when a werewolf wears one they are torned apart papa"

"So you mean i kinda phased in my uniform when full moon is up is that you mean im not having another new pair?"

werewolf papaWhere stories live. Discover now