flashbacks are unstable

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Zen's P.O.V

I knew why papa seal me through a heavy knot each night since i had irregular phasing every full moon like he was but not so far he carried few guns for our protection but still he was worried about my health and i dont wanna stress him again ever thats why i had no questions about him and grey that is..

"I know your silent cause you know grey baby still wishing to ripped his throat off for me?"

"Send me to his quarters its time for execution im hungry for werewolf blood even its a god damn rogue just let me tear him apart"

"I knew you will do that okay we will send you there please be careful he's too demonic to be defeated"

"I will kill its core watch me i had done it dozen times in trying to save others from their cursed wolf state i can managed getting your wolf out before we can fuck papa what if i cant hold it back"

"Then let me concealed you with my body so you can go back beinga normal human that i used to be well here it goes im ready to back you up incase your trapped inside okay onto the forbidden paddock gents time to release the one who turn me"

"It wont be easy what if he controlled him inside you know how contagious that rogue alpha do to lot of its victims especially your one of us now"

"Im aware nigel i made sure he snapped back before you know it bring me the raw meat so my baby knew its me"

"Okay here it goes we made sure you keep out of their sight in the middle grey always pick weaker packs we knew what his old plans are"

He knew my beastly side "well isnt the experiment that those humans altered you isnt it zen welcome to the pack and join me against your mate i promise you freedom on what those humans did to you"

"Your not my master grey you turned papa to a uncontrolled werewolf do you know he had hard time every night he cant get closer to home cause of you im going nuts lets have a nice fair battle"

"Sure i been ready for this moment when i die your no longer free on what you are trust me endless fucked up torment"

"I have been there and get out of my head buster time to fucking end your life now" he knew im massive so he got same body size as i was we wrestling against each other's throats as papa watched me from the gates since im too smart to clawed the entire door that can make the fugitive to run away from its cage.

Still papa held a nice raw meat on his hand before he can toss it he knew i threw him few feet from papa dragging him back to the darkness to fight few times it maybe entertaining to other packs but papa was concerned my wolf instincts will took over he knew my corrupted spirit grew that makes me more enhanced than other human men inserting themselves with steroids.

Before grey killed me off in one chew off i aimed at his weak spots so i can take him down even more after i won from a massive cage nigel release me back to the head quarters he was dead alright.

Still papa caressed me "remember the tines we train together moon sun and me along in the stars at night okay we do this alot of few times zen its fine i got you new loose clothes since you defeated grey for me later in few weeks we can fuck again i promise you that"

I nodded at him now after the spell he knew i passed out even he was defeated he maybe free but i trapped his soul back to hell from my necklace papa was so happy "its okay nigel made sure i patched you up before full moon its gonna be fine im not wolfing out on this suit he made its perfect for cursed guys like me"

"How about making you released your heavy cum papa are you ready?"

"Not until i patch you up next few weeks i promise i guess you cant hold it back?"

werewolf papaWhere stories live. Discover now