papa aint a lapdog mister

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Zen's P.O.V

They knew how to stir the burrow and i knew their homes are nearby close to our town i can track anyone down since anytime papa knew i snapped often in order to be normal again he bring a meat in front of me a deer.

"Eat you feel better zen you seem off in few weeks ago after you chased an entire werewolf trappers in the area"

"They asked for it by separating me from you and now im worried that when your taken too they will shoot the litter its just i hate being helpless"

"Not anymore your by my side zen no matter what just look at me in the eyes and see those nice set of fangs will ya?" As he joked at me and i did well it was razor sharp that is.

"I was thinking bring a mate at work you know taking care of business but this time i sent the new ones to our neighbor pack alphas nearby who are willing to baby sit them all"

"Still im your best source of food today" as he nodded and sucking my nipples again in his office "cant resist how sweet your milk is baby feels so good cant resist in few months already your right your still the best mama's milk i ever tasted sure thing we had the deluxe secret bedroom for two in the basement and its a special cage room baby no windows just you and me"

"Fuck what about we had too much racket that wont be nice at all" as i said to him "well they can fuck off anywhere not too far from us you know our conditions are worse than already born werewolves right?"

"True papa well sure thing i stay close to the one that taking care of me more than others are i love you so much papa even how damn fucking horny you are"

"Well atleast to keep you at bay while i can look i know we share same feelings about muscle and bone adjustments and well few there screams and all"

"How do you know when the fur starts to thicken papa?" As he sighed "shit happens at every night baby i know its the curse the more you loose control like me the more im in urge of heat with you its just i cant leave you alone"

"Then make up your mind already are you sure given up your life as a cop and embrace being a cursed man that you are" as he sighed "yeah but still i have duties in town trying everyone safe from you while im still in human form i lost my charm its just now im already phasing back to my wolf state so i need to fuck few times in order"

"I know fuck me papa are you there yet" as he nodded at me now looking at me in his yellowish glare look he knew once i start to drool he had no choice but to mate me in bed he filled my ass few times with his cum.

"Fuck im growing a tail zen help me im loosing balance already" as he said to me each time he shuddered few times "i can still control yours papa only that it increase more heat that you never escape with same balls as me"

"Your right well i guess this happens when its full moon honey you know me papa never run away when its full moon its gonna be fine i knew wolf out every night of the full moon that is and very hungry i know i feel your hunger its getting way too extreme wasnt it"

"You can tell i can burst the cages that hold me papa" he sighed and let me out "alright just this once i knew you had enough alone time inside the cage baby okay now we can go what ever we wanted except some areas had real bad ass monsters one of that is the crypid goatman you name it"

I sighed we got into an unknown bridge that had a real pissed off goatman with a bloody axe which also it makes me excited to kill it off i had wings that make more blizzards than he was before papa can back me off i wrestled it alot within my flying wolf form which is much stronger than any of it.

"Get out of the bridge papa along with others run while you can!" As i roared at them "we wont thats why we are here just dont let it run out of your sight it maybe bring its herd around here okay operation meatloaf guys"

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