not your average pup

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Zen's P.O.V

When i took a shower since its morning papa knew i sucked his penis which his cum dripping from heat as he follows me inside as he join in the shower too "fuck mama feels so good so much cum why you did this to me im so much in heat like you now"

"Feel those balls churning yes its automatically wanna breed me in purpose are you?" As he chuckled "well to keep my wife busy even your going to work with me this time papa never wear shoes only in riverbanks honey"

"Oh thats the purpose of wearing them are you?" As he chuckled "yup baby in the nest still fuck now your licking my feet im getting so aroused each time mama released more milk again fuck so beautiful mama must breed papa cant stop fucking so much"

"Those eyes are same but well not mine im a freak and your now a werewolf in hiding" as he sighed "i rather breed with a fellow monster whos no longer my son but gained a female companion for the rest of my cursed life yes those hunters embedded same pentagrams on each captives they had and more well in pain process love when is the last time you eat a live human?"

"He forgotten to locked it papa thats why instead of the left over meat i need fresh humans permonthly periods of time cause i had eggs and need a husband to fuck me regularly then you came along after you also escape from that crazy zoo"

"We all are animals love even in human forms still we had same clothes as we wear during daylight but not at night thats when the awful sinister tail came out was it and pair of wings as they grown into your skin its alright you dont eat werewolves right?"

"Im too hungry to think fuck yes papa more fuck do you feel it too?" He nodded "yes its real this isnt a costume i no longer wear when i was just a kid now im a monster and so does you but we both had to keep each other sane enough to keep humans out from our territory i knew this is more ugly torture to see you perish like mine yet you hate cages and chains why?"

"They sealed me long enough and yet they brought you in just another sex experiment in heat are you did they well put that tube into your penis for you know?"

He nodded "yes and letting fucking wild dogs in heat watching in endless loop driving me nuts till i released more cum again and again they cant hear me scream till i begged them enough their lights triggered my wolf side so just like you being experiment for few weeks till i found you on a massive containment where dead humans are inside the room you must have eaten alot right?"

"Im so hungry what do you expect i grown into alarmingly massive flying werewolf just to get you back to safety oh fuck yes more cum into me papa"

"Oh yes mama more milk please i deserved it since papa warmed your eggs already" as he licked me again "oh still the same heat as before papa"

"I know we cant stop till its morning again honey oh yes good fuck baby feels so good i cant stop breeding you baby hot fuck" as he said to me now we both waited back till morning as usual to wake him up was to suck his penis "feels so good each time i cum inside you mama fuck yes dont stop please" as he said to me after all he liked it alot "papa knows your wild rampage thats why i madw sure to keep you always at bay with me now are you done sucking me mama?"

I nodded at him soon he bent in fours to sucked my nipples still he chuckles why i keep toying his erected penis in bed "fuck if you keep this up im gonna cum in your mouth again i just made sure your fangs wont get too close it really hurts"

"Oh its fine your overacting about fangs getting too close to your sensitive skin papa so big and full of cum"

"Fuck mama god so good when your sucking me fuck im gonna cum again mama papa is in extreme heat like you now fuck must breed and stay with mama for a while"

werewolf papaWhere stories live. Discover now