The dark fledgeling

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Zen's P.O.V

I knew him well and he knew me back so he return back safely but this time timmy was with him papa nuzzled me few times as others tend my heavy wounds "he wont make it im afraid you guys stay here for a week leon its fine we are still family"

"Nonsense Brutus we had to go back its okay we will make it home Zen its just lost track saying nate to you baby whats wrong?" What it fell over for was a corrupted gem i held for ages it fell off from my body as he picked it up and crushed it "a device to abuse him inside no wonder he was hiding this from me this is why he goes rogue when fighting nonstop humans created this to control mates like zen here"

"Now it fell off right that means its power must have consumed him few months ago killing humans and other species too those dark circles in his eyes"

"Its gone he's back to normal baby can you understand me now?" I nodded since its morning we are back in human forms "fuck me papa i knew your werewolf status needs a bit of heat too"

"You can tell fuck yes honey sure thing feels so good so now humans run into an inhuman beast?"

"He must have hunted in human territories especially layers like my son here i know humans made you so hideous but i found you most attractive mistress in front of me well see he provide raw meat than others or Brutus best hunter and well protector keeping me safe and at bay at all costs i knew it was worse sharing same curse like him but we had to do it cause it will be too much body pressure right?"

I licked him as he growled "fuck its time to breed mama is in dire heat fuck cant resist his sucking must cum so hard fuck yes take it all honey" as he released it inside me few times as he kissed me after now he placed in in my vagina as he keeps thrusting me naked in bed..

"Fuck that corrupted gem finally got off your system you fought it off by yourself wasnt it?" I nodded at him "hmm nipples bearing more milk i dear say baby fuck so good cant stop cumming inside you honey"

"So feel your balls go urgent papa it drives you crazy?" As he nodded "fuck yes i know you dont have yours cause its surgically cut open now right and we have more puppies to feed trust me ah fuck gonna cum more inside you baby hot fuck must obey mate feels so good gonna cum inside you honey hot fuck thats so much cum inside honey"

"Yes papa deeper hot fuck even we are different species but you still love me what i am"

"Monsters are attracted to one another in heat just like wild dogs do fuck cant stop fucking my own son i knew this is a very sick idea but what can i complain into im a wild animal like mama"

"Well you need someone to tame you back right mama?" I nodded "yes only papa can tease this good fuck fuck that penis"

"I know i cant help it dear alright once the knot is over but still ongoing baby fuck my mistress my former son of mine yes you can jerk me off if you want to"

"But i dont have a penis anymore" as he sighed "then im still impregnating you okay stay still thats a good girl my love more fuck" each time he thrust me good inside me "gonna cum inside my mistress and you missed me good baby fuck thats why i never leave this burrow cause i had more muzzles to feed"

He knew i started to suck his penis he twitched in our bed in heat so pent up like me now kissing my lips and inserting his penis inside me gently squeezing my nipples for milk few times he sucked me again "when mama was done in labor oh fuck no more wasting milk this time thats why i had to remain with you incase your lactations goes very heavy"

"Im fine still love sucking your penis oh fuck my vagina" as he grinned "i guess hump day cant be missed its time for annual breeding year with me baby oh yes im trying to be gentle having sex with you baby oh yes im gonna cum baby hot fuck i know you missed your own penis after they take it away but still i knew that look so good baby fuck"

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