uncaged beasts

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Zen's P.O.V

My vagina still wanting more of his cum alot always need him the most and how hard his penis was yes we are still wild animals in heat papa knew this ever since he saved me from being eaten by rogues end up being a werewolf like me he knew im already a product of what humans created a chimera my body is still covered with fur and still dire need of sex again when papa isnt looking around he can smell me now licking my vagina few times "still ripe never had any red months well its great but are you sure its delayed before we can fuck again?"

"Its delayed alright now proceed papa you may enter me again" as he nodded and nuzzled his body to me "yes your all mine and mine alone mama fuck its really a good knot with you more mama is it getting hot tell me?"

"Dont stop just keep thrusting me from my own vagina" as he did what being told few times "yes papa obeys mama more than humans will break us apart nobody breaks our deep bond baby nobody fuck its so good to cum inside you fuck so good baby"

"Oh dont stop papa yes more fuck" as he did what being told "its like few moon years baby oh yes never gets old good fuck love i knew they hid you from me my own son was now a chimera werewolf in order to keep you at bay is making sure no blood was spilled i knew you go crazy with bloodlust"

"How you know when i go like that?" As he sighed "feral instincts cant be evaded i knew this coming when you snapped after trying to protect as much puppies we had i know you tried but atleast we had fun remember papa free you from that zoo after those gamma slimes got out and melt the half of their system?"

"You mean how hungry they get yeah i know someone forgotten their meal time thats why it set half of the chimeras loose even the one in a massive bird cage was me how did you know did alaric help you out?"

"Yeah i did well i really dont see what your trying to do tristan are you knotting him tonight?"

"Jesus its full moon ofcourse we had the urge desperate to knot trust me i knew whats going on when mama start having bloodlust did you hunt if you do get out of here" i knew he was caked in blood from the hunt i drooled as papa hold me off with his own body "Run Alaric he will think your a chew toy now Brutus help me calm mama down will you i know he was a massive brute but seriously cant take everyone including us flying in mid air that heart gem i knew it this drives chimera kids out of conrol everyone of them"

"We gonna replace another gem simlar to that cause you know what happens if you took off his heart out?"

"He was off?" He nodded "yeah i know you love zen leon learn to control him use a deep pack link only werewolves understand what they gone trough had same as my daughter too ya know same boat as you are same prisoner tag too we knew they are all taken in a lab by age of 6 thats before the mega growth spurt came out making everyone to a hulking chimera werewolf by tracking us all down got the container is he in sleep mode"

"Hard to tell hes awake we must change that overheated chrystal must get rid of it while its hot i know power of the alpha touch sorry mama papa had to make mama lights out a bit odd there is something on his back some sort of a mind control dart"

"Yeah speaking of windpipe he was sure indeed stronger than any of us what did you do to him?"

"Shutting him down werewolf style i made sure this wont kill him time to place a silver choker on him while he sleeps"

"But that thing wont be sleeping too long he will get up on a rampage anytime leon"

"Leave mama to me i know he was in there just to tame him once more i been there too just let go baby just let go honey thats right sleep mode" i did and my world go blank in few weeks i woke up in a living room a massive cabin just papa arrived  "welcome home goldilocks you been sleeping forever now its time to wake up and make sure your coming home with us back to the burrow its fine we replaced the heated gem thats all there you go now back to normal i know its true papa tried everything just to keep you at bay thats all papa wanted"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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