Part 5: It's Not A Fashion Statement It's A Deathwish

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"We are here," Mrs. Foster sang, pulling into the parking lot of Halo.

We both got out of the car. I stared at the shop, the purple, blue and white logo the same as it was, the booths still brown and red, and the bell on the door.

My heart ached as I remembered all the good times I had. It's never going to be the same.

~ ~ ~

"Truth or dare?" Audrey asked.

"Truth," I replied, sipping my coke.

"Aw, you're no fun!"

"Dude, the last time I picked dare, bad shit happened," I told her. She just shrugged.

"What's your favorite scary movie?" Audrey asked in a spooky voice, both of us cackling.

"Hm, that's a hard one, I don't know," I replied. "Maybe the Conjuring, or..."

"The saw movies!" We both said at the same time.

"First one is better," I said.

"I agree," Audrey got up. "Sequels, prequels, and franchises are just insane but never as good as the first."

"So true," I agreed.

"I'm gonna order us some food and drinks. The usual, right?" God I loved her voice.

"Yep!" I smiled.

As soon as she walked away, a waitress with red curly hair walked up to me.

"Oh, um, my friend just went to order for us," I told the waitress.

"I know," she smirked. I looked at her confused.

"Then what-"

"Don't even fucking think about trying to date Audrey, got it?" The girl snapped. "She's mine."

"Um, she doesn't belong to anyone," I pointed out.

"You fucking slut," she seethed.

I rolled my eyes. Is she serious? "It's not nice to talk about yourself that way. Also, Audrey's coming back. Wouldn't want her to hear you."

The red head scowled and walked away.

"What was that about?" Audrey asked as she sat back down.

"Nothing," I replied.

~ ~ ~

"You coming?"

I snapped out of my thoughts. "Yeah, sorry."

We walked into the coffee shop I ordered a large hot caramelizer and Noah's mom ordered a shot in the dark. We went to go sit down at a booth, and I paused when I saw Audrey, Brooke, and Emma sitting down at a booth.

Time seemed to go in slow motion as I put my hood up to hide my face as I followed Mrs. Foster. I accidentally made eye contact with Emma and her entire expression dropped. She glared at me and I looked away quickly.

Unfortunately for me, Mrs. Foster chose the booth that was right beside Emma's. I sat down on the side that was closest to Emma so I wouldn't make eye contact with Brooke or Audrey.

As we waited for our coffee, Mrs. Foster tried to make a conversation, but I told her I didn't really want to talk. I heard Emma suck in a breath.

"What's up Emma?" Audrey asked.

"Nothing, it's nothing," she replied.

"Well clearly not because you just had that look on your face when there is a killer around," Brooke pointed out.

"Because there is!" Emma exclaimed. I tried to slow my heart rate down and took deep breathes. She wouldn't tell them, right? There's no way she would-

"What do you mean?"  Brooke asked.

"I would like to know that as well," Audrey chimed in. I heard tapping and I assumed that she was tapping her fingers on the table. I can imagine what she looks like right now, with her elbow propped up on the table with her head in her hand.

"I just... I don't know, I thought I saw Alastor," Emma told them in a quiet voice.

"What!?" Audrey exclaimed. There was a noise that sounded like a chair being pushed back so I assumed she stood up. "There's no way, absolutely not, I'll fucking kill her-"

"Audrey!" Brooke grabbed her arm. "Calm down--we can figure this out together, okay?"

"No, we can't! There's a fucking killer back in town after mysteriously disappearing for three years, how is that even remotely okay or safe?"

"Audrey, I know you just want to be cautious, but I'm not even sure if it is her," Emma said to try and calm her down.

"But what if it is?" She spoke.

"We don't know that!" stated Brooke. "We just all need to chill out. If it really is Alastor, then we will make sure to stay far away from them."

"Damn right. I never want to see that bitch again."

Tears welled up in my eyes as our coffee was called. Me and Mrs. Foster went back home, and I immediately ran into my room, almost running into Noah, and started crying.

I gripped the sides of my desk, tears falling out of my eyes.

Kill him.

You're a killer!

You will always be a criminal.

Useless fucking piece of shit.

You deserve to die!

My arms were shaking, and I felt dizzy, suddenly struggling to breathe. I scrambled to open up my desk and get the only thing I knew would give me a release.

I felt bad about it, I did. But hell did I miss this. I didn't have any release in the asylum, nothing. All I had was myself and my thoughts. Of course I found my own ways, but they weren't as good.

I watched as red liquid satisfyingly seeped from the fresh cuts and put the razor away before going to the bathroom and cleaning up.

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