Part 16: Reptilia

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Gina's POV:

I sighed as I tapped my fingers on the counter, my other arm propping up my face as I leaned against the counter. Today's shift was going painfully slow.

My red hair was up in a pony tail and out of my face. Food and dirt gets in my hair all the time when it's down, it's like a vacuum.

Two young girls around 22 came up and wanted tickets and food for the Jeffrey Dahmer movie. One of them was blonde and wore a red tank top with plain blue jeans. The other one looked like they walked straight out of a goth magazine with dyed hair, crazy ass clothes and makeup.

A golden retriever and an emo. Classic duo.

"That would be $53.50," I told the two girls. The goth one payed and the other girl argued, and I smiled, remembering how me and Audrey used to fight over who gets to pay.

No, stop it Gina, she hates you and doesn't care about you, I chided myself.

I heard a blood curdling scream coming from the movie theater, more following. Everyone in the theater ran out, and I walked towards the Jeffrey Dahmer movie. Someone probably pulled a stupid prank.

"Hello?" I asked as I walked into the Dahmer theater. I didn't get a response and I was getting irritated. "I said, hello? Who's there?"

I heard rustling from behind me and I whipped around, my heart thumping in my chest. I groaned and threw my hands up in the air.

"If this is a prank, it's not funny!" I yelled. My phone buzzed and I got a call from an Unknown ID. My hands shook as I picked it up.

"This isn't a prank, Gina," a distorted voice said. "But it can be, if that would make you feel better."

"What do you want?" I asked frantically. I don't think this is a prank anymore.

"To see your guts spilled out on the floor!" The voice yelled, and hung up.

I looked around for something to defend myself with, but I couldn't find anything. I ran out and checked each of the exit doors, but they were all locked.

I started to cry. I was terrified and I was probably going to die.

As I was running down the hallway to try and hide in the storage room, I tripped on something and fell to the floor. I tried to get back up, but something sharp slashed my back.

I cried out, trying to meekly crawl away. The last think I felt was being stabbed several times with a cold object, and being turned around before the killer slashed my throat.

~ ~ ~

Alastair's POV:

"Hey," I said to Noah as I walked into his room.

"What's up?" he asked.

"Have you seen the news?" I sat on his bed next to him. He nodded.

"Yeah, I heard Audrey is the one who found her."

"Jesus Christ."

"Do you have any idea of who would do this?" Before I could reply, someone knocked on his door. "Who is it?"

Audrey walked in. "I'm afraid of barging in after I walked in on you and Zoe..." She trailed off when she met my eyes. "Actually, I think this is worse."

Noah stood up. "No, wait."

"What is it," Audrey snapped.

"Are you okay?" He asked her.

Audrey sighed. "I just found my ex girlfriend bleeding out and dead on the fucking floor of where I work, what do you think?" She crossed her arms and looked down.

I didn't know what to do. I wanted to say something to her, tell her I understood how traumatizing it is to see other people dead, but I had the feeling it wouldn't go well.

"I just wish I could have prevented it somehow, you know?" She walked over and looked me right in the eye. Oh no. "Actually, I could have definitely prevented it."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I said, standing up.

"You killed her didn't you? You always go for the girlfriends."

I blinked, and then burst out laughing. "Dude, I was here all night last night. You are fucking delusional."

"I'm delusional? I wasn't deemed a psycho by the cops," she scowled. I just kept laughing, this was honestly so funny to me. "Stop fucking laughing!"

"I can't!" I wheezed. "Honestly, this is the funniest shit since Shrek memes started coming out."

"I don't know, you were laughing this hard last night at Gerard Way memes," Noah pointed out, looking back and forth between me and Audrey. "I had to come in to make sure you weren't dying."

"See?" I said to Audrey, pointing at Noah. "I was here all night. Now if we are done here, I'd like to get ready for the party." I walked off to my room.

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