Chapter 15- From New York... To Africa?

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Heyyyy my wonderful readers. I am sorry for the long wait, I am extremely busy. Also, I have gotten 200 fans, ( I like fans better. Anyone else?) so this chapter is dedicated to @xxWillowIsDaBestxx for being my 200th fan. I have now gotten 5000 reads. I know its small compared to the extremely good writers with millions of reads and fans. But I'm still happy. So now enjoy chapter 15.

Harry P.O.V

Beep, beep

My alarm clock was blaring as I clicked the snooze button. It was 5:30am, and I don't intend to wake up yet. I started to fall back asleep until the master of early wake ups came into my room.

"HARRY! Get your fat ass up! We need to go! Hurry up and then help me wake up Zayn," screamed Lou. I groaned and dragged my sleep deprived body out of bed. Then I remembered why I had to wake up this early. We were going to surprise Christina.

When Niall and Christina came back to the hotel yesterday, I was so pissed at them. How can he just take my sister to wherever and not tell me! I am her brother, and I was worried sick wondering where she was! But once I saw Christina's smiling face, all my anger disappeared. It should've been me making her smile like that, but if she was happy with Niall, then I will just have to accept that. I wanted to yell and scream at Niall, but when he told me about Christina's idea... I just couldn't. He really cared about her and wanted to help. How can I be mad at him for that? I quickly got dressed and went to Zayn's room to wake him up. The problem you ask? Well Zayn is impossible to wake, and if you do wake him up, it isn't a pretty sight. Think of it as waking up a cute bear, but then waking up its mum.

"Zayn, get your ass out bed!" I screamed. He didn't even acknowledge me. Getting Zayn out of bed is hard, but I remembered this one trick I learned from Louis. I ran to Zayn's bathroom, took his hair product and a whipped cream can, and ran back. "Zayn, I'll give you one last chance to wake up."

"Fuck off, Harry."

"Okay, I'll just take your hair product with me. You don't mind if I use it right?" I started squirting the whipped cream, and Zayn instantly shot up out of bed.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT!" I turned around to show Zayn my mouth full of whipped cream, and he growled.

"Harry, I hate you so much."

"Love you too, mate. Now get your ass dressed, we have to go to the airport before Christina wakes up." I left his room and walked across to Liam's room and knocked on the door. No answer. I tried again, and still no answer. I decided to just walk in, maybe Liam was in the bathroom. I walked in at an awkward moment. Liam had Katy on his lap and they were kissing. Once I opened the door, they stopped and stared at me in shock.

"Does anybody knock anymore?" asked Liam, a little frustrated.

"I did... you guys didn't answer." This was awkward. Katy was blushing terribly.

"Um, I'll just leave and keep Christina company when she wakes up. You guys took her suitcase downstairs right?" she asked. Liam and I both nodded.

"Louis is loading them onto the bus now," I said.

"Okay then. Um... Bye." She ran out the room trying to hide her cherry red cheeks.

"Thanks for ruining the moment, Harry."

"No problem, Liam. Now come on, all the lads are waiting." I went downstairs and helped the lads load all of the stuff into the car. We drove to the airport where our private jet was waiting. Yes, we have a private jet. Actually, we have two. We are One Direction people. We loaded Niall's, Liam's, and Zayn's luggages into the first jet. They were all going to Africa first, so it seems as if Niall had planned all of this, even though he didn't... I did. I hated how Niall is getting all the credit for this, but it seems Christina would like him more. As Louis and I put our luggage into the second jet, the rest of the boys took off. We drove back to the hotel to find Christina still sleeping, so we decided to wait a while.

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