Chapter 4- New Neighbors!!

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Heyyy everyone. I know this book might be getting a bit obvious and everything, but please read on. I'm trying my best to make it interesting and funny but not obvious which is hard. And thank you for all the reads. I'M UP TO 100+ RIGHT NOW! Thank you all again. Anyways onto chapter 4 hope you like it!

Harry P.O.V

Today is the day. We will be surprising Christina, well sorta, that we are moving next door. I'm kinda glad we aren't leaving her. I think I fancy Christina. Something about her just makes me so interested. I don't want to leave her, I want her to be mine forever. If only she knew about my feelings, but I know Niall likes her too hes just that obvious. I will win her though. Harry Styles always gets the girl. Everyone was standing at the door waiting to go. We were waiting to say bye to Christina and right when she walked downstairs I couldn't help but stare. She must have noticed because the next thing I hear are people calling my names.

"Harry? HARRY!" shouted Louis into my ear.

"AH! WHAT THE FUCK LOUIS!" I screamed back holding my ear.

"Stop staring at Christina and let's go!" I instantly started blushing and I saw that Christina was too. Yes! That means she likes me or not... Fuck you Niall. Right when I looked up I see Niall and Christina laughing. I know I shouldn't be mad at Niall, but he is taking Christina away from me.

"Ok lads, its time to go" said Liam. "Bye Christina, we'll miss you thank again for letting us stay here."

"Bye, Christina I'm going to miss you." said Zayn.

I guess she decided to get even with Zayn now. "Awww Zayn I'll miss you too" she said. She took out the bottle of whipped cream she was eating before, and sprayed it in his hair, messing up his quiff.

"AHHHHH MY HAIR, YOU MESSED UP MY HAIR!" She quickly took out my phone and snapped a pic before he ran away. She posted it on twitter for everyone to see.


This is what happens when you make me mad. Poor Zayn

I heard Zayn scream from the bathroom and everyone started laughing.


Never get @ChristyBear<3syou mad, you will pay. BE WARNED PEOPLE SHE IS A DEVIL

Once all our laughter died down we continued with the good byes.

"Bye Christy! I'll miss you, but don't worry with your cooking I'll be back soon." said Niall with a wink while giving her a hug. DON'T WINK AT MY GIRL HORAN.

Next was Louis. I expected something completely random and weird, but hey this is Louis we are talking about ."Bye, my little carrot! I'll always love you." said Louis giving her a big wet kiss on the cheek.

Last was me. "Good bye love." Then I leaned in close to her and whispered "Don't forget to act surprised" and pulled away with a wink.

We started to leave and I started to get sad, even if it is for like a few minutes.

Christina P.O.V

The boys have just left. I was deep in my thoughts. Before Niall had winked at me and I felt happy and butterflies in my stomach. I thought that only happened with Harry. But wheng Harry's lip touched my ear and his his breath tickled my ear, I felt a shiver run down my spine. Just then my phone rang.

"HEY PICK UP THE DAMN PHONE BEFORE I COME OUT OF IT!" I started laughing. This was the special ring tone my best friend Katy made. She is so sweet, but can be so persuasive.

"Hey I haven't talked to you in so long!" I screamed into the phone.

"I know. Why haven't you called me." she said sadly.

"I have been busy I'm sorry. I ran into one- umm little problem. It's fixed now." Phew I almost blew that I ran into One Direction. If Katy found out she would flip and scream.

"Oh ok we should hang out? What about today at your place."

"Um. I don't think we can hang out at my house cause-"

"CHRISTINA WE ARE BACK. DID YOU MISS US!" screamed the five boys tackling me.

"Christina? Christina! WHO IS IN UR HOUSE!" screamed Katy. I was going to answer her, but Louis stole my phone.


"Ello love. I'm Louis who am I speaking to?"

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Is this the Louis Tomlinson!"

"LOUIS GIVE ME BACK MY PHONE OR I WILL SHOVE ALL UR CARROTS UP UR ASS!" his face was pure horror and he gave me my phone back.

"OK! OK! TAKE UR PHONE DON'T TAKE MY CARROTS!" he screamed. I grinned in triumph.

"Well Katy you may now come over since I want you to meet the boys."

"You have a lot of explaining to do! I'll be over in five. BYE" and with that she hung up.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE WHAT DID YOU FORGET!" I asked in an angry voice. The boys must have thought I was actually angry because they took a step back. But Harry knew I was just playing."WELL! WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO FUCKING SAY!"

"Ok, Christina why don't you calm down first." said Liam being the sensible one.

I had the best idea of freaking the boys out thinking I was mad. "CALM DOWN! YOU WANT ME TO CALM THE FUCK DOWN WHEN MY FRIEND IS NOW COMING OVER TO MEET YOU! I DIDN'T WANT TO FUCKING TELL HER, BUT NOW I HAVE TO BECAUSE OF YOU BASTARDS." I didn't know how much longer I could keep this angry phase going before I laugh, so I started to count to get the boys to run.

"Five... FOur... THREE! TWO." before I could even finish all the boys scattered except Harry who stood next to me laughing his ass off.

"You should really go into acting. How did you pull that off!" he asked still holding his stomach from laughing.

"I don't even know I was about to burst out any second. Come on let's go get those babies." We found them hiding behind the couch. What is it with them and couches? Such and obvious place to hide.

"Shhh." I whispered to Harry.I pointed to the couch and we snuck over to the couch. I told Harry to shout 'BOO' on three.

"One...two...three...BOOO" we shouted as I leaped over the couch and landed on Louis


"Louis! You never judge a girl on her weight shame." I said still on his back. "NOW GO PONY GO! RIDE LIKE THE WIND!" He started giving me a piggy back ride, but got tired after a minute.

"Ok, I think I've tortured you enough Lou." He collapsed onto the couch as soon as I got off. "I know paybacks a bitch isn't it. But seriously guys, when Katy comes she might fan girl she loves you guys a lot, but please be nice she is my best friend."

"We promise." they said. Hopefully nothing bad will happen.

"We will be on our best behavior... Or at least I will I can't speak for the rest of the boys." said Liam with a big grin.

"Thanks Liam at least I can trust you."

Ding Dong. "Christina? Are you home?"

"I'll be right there." Please don't let this be a disaster. I prayed, I opened the door and there stood Katy.

Chapter 4 DONEEE! What do you guys think? Comment, Vote, Fan and tell everyone. . Does Christina like Niall now.. or will she be with Harry? Who is her brother? Tell me what you guys think! I hope you like this story I have been working hard on it. If you have any cool ideas tell me, it could just end up in this story. Love you all kisses to you bastards

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