TW: Child Abuse
Britain had forgotten what it was like to have no idea what was going on across the ocean. Sure, he had operated almost exclusively through letters for centuries, but as technology adapted, he slowly became more and more used to the instantaneous response that a telegraph (and eventually a telephone) provided. So, this sudden inability to contact his daughter was bothering him more than he'd like to admit.
It had been eleven days since Operation Red Herring had been completed. It had been a simple plan in theory. All he needed to do was convince America that the Axis were attacking her, then she'd declare war. So, he had tasked a group of about 50 men from the Royal Air Force to put the plan into motion by retrieving airplanes from the Japanese base. They brought back 43, and then the real work began. He had spent about two weeks getting everything ready, producing bombs and other means of destruction on his own (which was difficult, given that he relied on America for most of his weaponry). By the end, he was ready, and sent them off to bomb a naval base in Connecticut. It was supposed to be a simple red herring, hence the name. It would lure America towards a false conclusion, whilst keeping her mind away from important questions, such as why Japan would attack Connecticut of all places. So he'd get his ally, and she'd be none the wiser.
That was what was supposed to happen, at least. He had been expecting a call for America that night about it, but none ever came. Then he figured that she was probably flying over to discuss in person. So he had waited a few days, but still... nothing. He had tried waiting, but eventually ended up calling her thirteen separate times, each time being greeted by the same voicemail. He had Canada and Australia call her as well, but each got the same response: nothing.
He wasn't worried if he had accidentally killed her. Afterall, he was fairly sure the American people would've rioted and come over the ocean to kill him if that had happened.
"No they would not have." A small voice whispered in his mind.
"They'd go to Japan, because you made it look like Japan."
"Shut it." He muttered.
"She could be dead, and you'd have no idea."
"Shut. It."
"I can't believe you killed your own chil-"
"I SAID SHUT IT!" Great Britain yelled, slamming his fist against his desk. He breathed heavily, looking down at his shaking hand. Great. Now he was talking to himself.
"Damn It." He muttered, looking out the window of his office. He could see what remained of London's skyline from here. It didn't do much to lighten his mood, as it only served to remind him of how damned he truly was.
"United Kingdom!" He heard a voice shout, causing his eyes to widen slightly. Within a second, a stout figure burst into his office.
"Greece!" He shouted, standing up. "What is the meaning of this?!"
"UK, what the actual hell did you do?!" He responded, clutching a newspaper tightly in one of his fists. "You said that you'd get your kid to join OUR side! Not attack her!"
"What- but- How do you know about that?!" He asked, causing Greece to practically shove the newspaper into his hands. Great Britain looked down at the crumpled paper, instantly recognizing the language written it as an Italian news company. His heart practically stopped when he read the headline.
He smiled, finally reading the words he had been hoping to hear for months now. "Why are you upset? This is phenomenal for our cause!"

Operation Red Herring (Countryhumans Alternate History)
FanfictionWhat if Britain had a questionable plan to get an alliance? What if it backfired? What if it caused America to join the Axis Powers? _______________ This is an AU in which America joins the Axis powers. Please note that I do not support Nazism (duh)...