Chapter 29

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TW: References to the Holocaust

"Huh. That's weird." Japan looked up from her book at America's remark.

"What is it?" The two of them were sitting at the table, Japan reading a book and America working on her usual reports regarding weapons.

"This report doesn't have a Luger count." She explained, sliding the papers over to her. "See?"

Japan skimmed the page. "Why would they not count them?"

"No clue." America muttered, flicking through the pages again. "I need that number though."

"Can not you do without it this time?" Japan asked, "You order them every time you look through them."

"Not really." She sighed, "They are really important guns. I need to make sure we have enough."

"I think you just like them." Japan remarked. The American's fondness for the Luger P-08 sidearms was no secret, and Third Reich took great pride in the fact that she even preferred it over some of the weapons made in her own country.

"I do, but that's not why. If we run out of anything, it could take awhile before a new shipment comes in. I need to order more before we run out, so we have that buffer." America thought for a moment, "I'm going to have to take a trip to this base and ask for the amount. My guess is that they either forgot to write it down, or some new soldat didn't take inventory correctly."

"What? America, that base is in Poland, near Opole. It would take over four hours to drive there." Japan said, bewildered when America shrugged.

"That's not too bad. It takes less time to drive through Pennsylvania!" She hummed, standing up and messily shoving her papers into a pile. "Besides, I need to do this. A letter would take too long to get back to me. With this I'll be back by tomorrow. Maybe tonight if I don't sleep."

"Hold it." Japan rolled her eyes, yanking the leaving America back by her collar. She yelped, stumbling back.

"You can just tell me to come back!"

"You are not taking the car." She said, "Remember what happened last time?"

America groaned, "There was barely a dent!"

"Yes, but Third Reich nearly had a conniption, and I do not want to deal with that again." She said, "And besides, you have no clue where it is."

"So I'll use a map."

"While driving?" Japan raised an eyebrow, "Would you consider that to be wise?"

America stared at her for a moment, before sighing, slumping back into her seat. "Fine. But I still need to get there."

"I will drive then."

"Wait, actually?" America sat up, demeanor brightening considerably. "You actually want to go with me?"

Japan shrugged, "I do not mind it."

America smiled, "This'll be great then! When do you want to leave?"

"Well, I need to notify Reich first, so I would say this afternoon is a reasonable time." She stood up with a small grunt, pointedly ignoring America's small smile at the noise. Japan spoke before an old-woman joke could be made, "I suppose go do what you need to do. Get your papers in order and such."

America nodded, quickly standing up. "Right! I'll get on that!"

With that she grabbed her papers and practically ran out of the room. Japan chuckled, picking up her book. Leave it to America to get excited about a car trip. She put the book back in her room, making sure to mark the page with a piece of scrap paper, and made her way over to Reich's office. She knocked once, not waiting for an answer before entering. Third Reich looked up from what he was doing when the empire walked into his office.

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