Chapter 23

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TW: Implied/Referenced Child Abuse

Canada was notorious for being hard to notice. Perhaps it was because he was a mellow person in a family of passionate characters. Perhaps it was because he simply did what he was told. Or perhaps it was because that is how he liked to be. Either way, it seemed that some things simply never changed, as he had yet to get a word in during this entire meeting. Greece and Australia were borderline yelling at each other, with some of the other allies, such as Brazil, Denmark, India, and of course, New Zealand, sitting and watching.

The meeting was simple in concept: figure out what to do about their rapidly depleting weapons and supplies, as well as figure out how to move forward now that his father had been missing for two weeks.

...Okay, maybe it wasn't so simple, even in concept. No one really knew what to do about the weapon situation, and no one had enough faith to go with someone's less than thought out plan.

"You think I'm weak!" Australia shouted, earning an eye roll from Greece.

"No, I think you are too thick-skulled for your own good. London has been taken! It's in our best interest for you to return home whilst we figure out where to move the bases' location"

"The absolute nerve, you knock-off Italian! I'll have you know that my forces are fully capable of holding back the Axis."

"Stop making everything about your pride!"

"I do not!"

"You do! That's what got us into this whole mess in the first place! Your stupid family with your weird obsession with your pride!" Greece shouted, not even flinching when Australia slammed down his fist on the table.

"Oi! My father not to blame for everything! This war was because of Third Reich! Don't go on making it seem like my family started all of this!"

"Yeah, but you all certainly made it worse, didn't you? With Mr. 'I-Don't-Tell-Anyone-Anything-and-Decide-to-Bomb-a-Neutral-Country-that-Supplies-Almost-All-of-Our-Weapons' and Ms. 'I-Just-Join-the-Enemy's-Side-Because-of-my-Horrendous-Relationship-With-My-Paternal-Figure'" Greece glared at him, "Face it. Your family it a f*cking cesspool of issues. And now we are losing the war because you all could not pull it together long enough to not f*cking self destruct!"

"You bastard-!"

"Pessoal!" Brazil yelled, getting in between the two men just as Austraila went to lunge at Greece. "Acalme-se! This is not getting us anywhere."

"She's right." Denmark chimed in. "Pointing fingers simply wastes time. We need an actual plan." New Zealand raised his hand eagerly, and Denmark looked at him. "A plan that does not involve unleashing an army of sheep."

New Zealand put his hand down.

"I mean, we could just counter-invade. Try to catch him by surprise." India suggested, tapping his pen against the table.

"We can't afford to split up our troops. Taking any off of the defensive would result in us losing the war in days."

"We could find their arsenals and destroy their weapons. That way we will all have about the same amount of supplies." New Zealand smirked, "I know the perfect animal for the job-"

"No sheep.... I see you putting your hand up, Australia. No emus either." Brazil stated, "And although that might work in the short-term, they'll just keep getting more weapons from America."

Canada tilted his head, "So, the main problem is that they have a steady source of weapons, whilst we don't?" It was one of the first times he had spoken throughout this whole meeting, as the whole atmosphere was a bit too confrontational for his taste. Everyone at the table looked at him in mild surprise that he spoke up, causing him to shrink back in his seat slightly.

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