Chapter 25

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TW: References to Anti-Semitism, Nazism, and Racism

The past few months had been... oddly good, in Japan's opinion. The entirety of Great Britain was now occupied by their forces, and new officials were being put in place for the United Kingdom's government (although the bastard had yet to be found). Things on her Pacific front were going excellent, as usual, and she was preparing to attack India at some point in the future. Once things were officially settled in Western Europe, it would be almost too easy to make the rest of Eurasia their's. Third Reich wasn't on any of them as much, as he was preoccupied with how well things were going, and was apparently planning something in regards to the Soviet Union. She did not know much about that, as Third Reich had stated that it was too early to seriously discuss it with everyone. Which... was annoying, but reasonable.

Life at the base was fairly good as well. Besides Third Reich being a bit more lax, America had been a lot better as well. She was... happy? Either that or insane, they didn't seem all that different to the Empire. Either way, she definitely wasn't as sad, which was nice. Japan hadn't asked too much about what had happened during the land-raid, as America had made the point to say that she didn't want to speak about it, but clearly something had shifted in the younger country's mind. Whether it be her losing her guilt about the whole situation, or just deciding to disregard her family entirely, something had caused her to be a-lot more passionate and involved in their planning. Which was a nice change from the America who had originally come here in December, the one who stayed in her room and was constantly second-guessing her choice in defending her honor. She was more similar the America Japan had known during the Great war, the one who had a righteous fury and passion about her, while still being overall... well, America- the likable fool who didn't take things too seriously when she didn't need to.

That change had led to a plethora of interesting situations, such as the one Japan was just now encountering. She was walking down the hall, when the sound of Italy shouting caught her attention. She furrowed her brow in confusion, stopping as she saw the Italian run around the corner, chased by America, who was laughing almost hysterically.

"Japan, help!" He yelled, quickly getting behind her. She tensed when she felt his hands on her arm, quickly shrugging him off before she could get too irritated with him. "She won't stop!"

America skidded to a halt in front of them, catching her breath for a moment. "Aw, come on, Italy! It's fun!"

"What is?" Japan asked, lookin between the two of them.

"I'm showing Italy-"

"She won't stop gyrating!" He sputtered out, causing America to wheeze as she fell into another fit of giggles.

"Don't call it that!" She tittered, "It sounds wrong!"

Japan raised an eyebrow, "America, please tell me you aren't doing anything... inappropriate while I am in the building."

"No! It's just the 'Blackbottom'! I used to do it all the time back in the 20's!"

"You did that- that burlesque dance in public!?" Italy looked scandalized, while America continued her attempts to sputter out a response.

"Italy, if you think that is bad, then I don't think you want to know the half of the sh*t I've done." She huffed, "Besides, dance has evolved, among other things. Not everything needs to be a waltz."

"What you just showed me was horrifying!"

She rolled her eyes, "Well it looks better with a partner, which is where you are supposed to come in."

"No! I refuse-"

"Both of you be quiet." Japan cut in. "Why are you even discussing this?"

America's eyes lit up. "Oh! Of course! We'll show you!"

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