TW: Instances of ablest language
Soviet Union always dreaded these meetings.
Not in the sense of being scared, because he would never be scared of a 1.5 meter tall nazi with an ego the size of Asia. No, it was more in the sense that Third Reich irritated him to no end, and everytime he saw the man he fought the temptation to shoot him. Which wasn't easy, given the fact that he insisted on patronizing the Union, even though Soviet was extremely aware of how horrible of a person he was. The fake smiles, patronizing comments, flimsy promises- the insincerity of it all drived the Soviet Union mad. He was fine with being enemies with people. Hell, he actually preferred it to the fake sh*t Third Reich thought he was pulling on him. He wasn't stupid, and the fact that Reich treated him as such was infuriating.
So you can imagine that he was less than thrilled when he was told that the German had arrived. He sighed, standing up from his desk and heading towards the door of his office. He walked down the wall towards the meeting room, taking a swig from his flask as a means of internally preparing himself for the next few hours. Soviet paused outside the door, taking a moment before letting himself in.
"Guten Tag, Soviet." As expected, Third Reich was sitting at the table, a few folders filled with papers on the table in front of him. He always set up the same way, something Soviet noticed after their third meeting. What wasn't expected was the capitalist sitting next to him, who was staring at the union with an almost blank expression. He was very aware that she was not particularly fond of him, and the feeling was mutual.
"Hello." America said unenthusiastically, before going back to writing the piece of paper in front of her.
"Why is she here?" He asked, nodding slightly to the woman.
"Because I brought her." Third Reich responded, flashing that same wide grin that made Soviet want to throw him through the wall.
"Yes, I figured that." He bit out, sitting down in a chair and crossing his arms. "I mean why did you bring her?"
"Why not? Does she bother you?"
Dear God he was really pushing it today, wasn't he?
"No. It is fine." He said, setting his own papers on the table. The last thing he wanted to do was give Third Reich a reaction, as that would only encourage the behavior further. So, he decided to let it go, and resigned himself to the next few hours of boredom. The clock ticking away on the wall seemed way too slow as he listened to Third Reich discuss battle strategies and the countries he had invaded (he referred to them as prizes, something Soviet found slightly unnerving, but did not comment on). In reality, these meetings were unnecessary. Soviet was not a part of this war, and therefore did not need a monthly update from the German. He knew for a fact it was just an excuse for Third Reich to brag to someone about his accomplishments for a few hours, and was something he forced himself to sit through purely to save himself the trouble of dealing with the shorter's temper. So, he usually tuned him out, occasionally nodding or commenting in order to keep up the facade that he was listening. Soviet glanced over at America, noticing that she taking notes, most likely at Third Reich's request. The Nazi freak probably wanted to file them away, incase he had some sort of genius thought during the meeting. "How has your stay been thus far?"
"Oh, perfect." Third Reich answered, "Perfect as always."
"That's good." He responded, although he really did not care in the slightest. "When are you leaving?"
"Tonight. United States and I are going to walk around the city after this, since she hasn't been here in quite a bit."
"I see..." He really did not like the idea of the two of them wandering around his capital unsupervised. "What do you plan on doing?"

Operation Red Herring (Countryhumans Alternate History)
FanficWhat if Britain had a questionable plan to get an alliance? What if it backfired? What if it caused America to join the Axis Powers? _______________ This is an AU in which America joins the Axis powers. Please note that I do not support Nazism (duh)...